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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. A peddler section... interesting.
  2. An anti said to me once... 'I Won't Eat Anything That Has A Face' I replied... 'Me Neither. I Cut The Head Off, First, And Then Feed It To The Dog.'
  3. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Thomas Hamilton shot and killed 15 children at Dunblane. I see that advert, by a children's charity of all things, as very offensive. I'm sure if they'd used a dog there would be a similar reaction from our resident canine experts. Likewise if they'd used a religious figure. Whether it's intentional or not that video is out to demonise hunters as criminals. Sorry. That's not on.
  4. Well... the day you stop fighting is the day you give up and accept your lot in life. I'm sure the dog lads would be upset if it was a bull breed... etc etc etc. When you look at the two biggest acts of violence, to see massive legal changes towards gun ownership in Britain, you'd understand why some people are a little pissed.
  5. Sounds like he was very lucky. Driving around with a gun in the car is asking for aggro. Must be rural constabulary to even begin to understand what he's up to. The law says it's supposed to be covered up in a public place but it's all down to the interpretation of the officer at the scene He's the one who will decide whether to make a big deal about it so it's best to try and keep them sweet and spend more time in the field instead of in a cell. If that particular constabulary are asking him to keep it in a bag, and in the boot of the car, then it's better for everyone to comply w
  6. It should be in a case when it being transported from shoot to shoot. If we wasn't on permission then whether he's pulled or not is at the discretion of the police officer at the scene. He could be in deep shit if they take it further and he needs to seek legal advice from a solicitor, rather than a forum.
  7. It could've been the Purple Vomiting Bedsnake. Pukus cockera. It's easy to confuse the two.
  8. BUMP is netspeak for Bring Up My Post.
  9. Then why not just use a catholic priest? Sorry but to me the original advert implies that hunters are predatory towards children. This is how it starts....
  10. How many lurchermen does it take to change a lightbulb? 15. 1 to hold the stool. 1 to change the bulb. The other 13 to stand around and say that they could change 8 out of 10 single handed.
  11. Your motives were sound. The replies weren't. The thread went as a result. If dogmen want to start an argument about snaring then this isn't the place to do it.
  12. That's a damn fine post and some excellent pest control.
  13. No need. It's legal where he's from. The only people lifting pictures will be the police, antis, journos.... etc... Nice mug shot BTW...
  14. E-mail sent. Dirty b*****ds... that is low.
  15. Personally I'd search for a bigger gun bag as it's a much easier fix than having a gunsmith carbine-ise your . I had an , when I was much younger, and had no problems finding a bag to fit. Yes they're long but that length helps stabilise the pellet and improves your accuracy. Some have already said that chopping the barrel will make your gun pellet fussy, which can be true depending on who does the work to your rifle. Here's a bit in elementary ballistics. Your rifle barrel has a twist in it. If you break the action open and look down the barrel (breech to muzzle) you'll see a spir
  16. ChrisJones


    That's the biggest problem right there. It's Only A Forum. There are consequences of posting illegal material. Especially in Britain and the US. This guy sued Demon Internet for libel. They settled for for 250 grand. This guy sued for libel and won 3 million. The point is that you are not anonymous and your actions/posts/pictures etc can be used against you in a court of law. The more illegal shit posted, the more of a chance you have of being bitten by it. Moderators try and remove the stuff. I say try because we're outnumbered. One moderator to over a thousand members.
  17. Could be. It's not difficult to stage a horror show if you're anti trapping.
  18. Rat population levels, in Britain, are ridiculous in some areas. I don't think an outbreak of rodent borne diseases is out of the question. None of the local Environmental Health departments have the balls, or the funding to tackle it either. They're too busy spunking tax payers money on severance packages for directors.
  19. Definitely. The weakest link in any hunter Vs quarry situation is the hunter. If you can't hit it, it won't die. Regardless of whether you use ferret, airgun, shotgun, lurcher or terrier they're specific tools for specific jobs. The best hunters select their tools wisely and use them to the best of their abilities.
  20. ChrisJones


    Conservative estimate I'll say 1%. That covers police. RSPCA. Antis etc. I guarantee that they're here and monitoring. The sooner people accept this and censor themselves the sooner we can get on to hunting topics. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
  21. This methods work great but there is one that is 100% user friendly. Totally safe and works 100% of the time. It's even within the realms of the 93% of forum users that don't understand the above post. Get a pen and right this down. Stick it by your monitor. DON'T POST THE PICTURE IN THE FIRST PLACE You know... the really juicy one that's about number 4 in the sequence. Use number 2 or number 9. THE ONE THAT DOESN'T INCRIMINATE YOU AND CAN'T BE USED AGAINST YOU
  22. They do. So do the police and so do the RSPCA. Even really obvious journalists show up now and again. They post this because our members read their site and they're trying to make you believe that they are everywhere. Remember this next time someone, PM's you and, asks you for pictures of your dogs working. Accept that the person on the other end of the post isn't what they claim and be a bit savvy about what you say and what you post. It's not f*****g rocket science. Clearly not. The best ones are the ones that think they're going to another site that's invitation only and c
  23. That's complete and utter bullshit. You would never read the Koran.
  24. Does anyone still think a repealed DDA will be replaced with something sensible?
  25. If your gun is a bag of shit and you can't get a head shot then the answer would be no. However if you shoot a flying pheasant with an air rifle you're going to be lucky to hit anything. It all depends on your skill as a shooter. They're different tools for different jobs.
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