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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. These classified sections are the bane of this forum. I have something to sell/swap I have a seven word description. I don't have a picture. I have a vague idea of what I want to trade it for. I give the vaguest hint of where I am, on a global forum, just incase someone might want to try to see what I'm selling/swapping. What can I get for it? Like I said I'm not calling you out as being dishonest but do you have even a clue of how many people get ripped off on these classified sections, worldwide? Please show us what you're trying to get rid of. Really... we'd
  2. So you want to sell something but aren't willing to tell us how much, or even show us what it is? I'm not suggesting you're dishonest but meet us half way when you're clearing out your garage.
  3. I've got a Hawke Nite Eye 3-9 x 50IR I've had it around 10 years, I can't remember when exactly. It's been mounted on every springer I've owned and currently sits on my 10/22... The IR doesn't work anymore but the optics are clear and it's been a reliable, trustworthy, scope from the day I took it out of the box. Maybe the newer stuff is having QC issues?
  4. It's not a pest because of what it is. It's a pest because of where it it is.
  5. Kinda what I was getting at... Traditional British cuisine is on the decline. Where I'm from I can get everything but a roast dinner!
  6. Traditional British restaurants? Or a thousand kebab/burger/pizza/curry houses?
  7. That's the point, though. They're evolving. The tradition is disappearing and what we see now is a result of the market. Traditional British cuisine... err... isn't anymore.
  8. There has to be some stake in it. There's no point otherwise.
  9. It went the way of the Dodo, unfortunately. Too much emphasis on working more hours, living wages dropping, and the availability of cheap nutrition-less take-away food. It's nice to see that there are some traditional British restaurants left but it's sad that Pizza Hut and Wetherspoons are the only named example of culinary excellence... I couldn't afford to eat in Oliver's restaurant, not that I'd give the smarmy b*****d my money if I could. Personality goes a long way.
  10. It's sad when shitty pizza is the only pizza!
  11. I'd agree, except that the voting public are only interested in reality television phone ins. The only people wanting another war are the ones that don't have to fight it, or send their loved ones.
  12. Weihrauch HW45 Not the only option but one I'd recommend.
  13. Personally I believe the influx of non-British foods is dictated by the market. If there wasn't one there wouldn't be the vast numbers of curry houses, that there is. The people want something other than the traditional boiled, and fried, offerings. Price plays a factor too. Chinese food, especially, is extremely cheap to make. As far as traditional British dishes go, what restaurants/take aways stick out as the place to be?
  14. 3 pages of bitching... is Tom dead?
  15. It's sad that a hunting forum containing threads on Islam get more attention than a petition to ban hunting...
  16. Who gives a f**k what they do in prison? They're locked away. If they're being radicalized, so what? They're locked away. When they get out they're hardly unknown to the authorities.
  17. Rule 1. Post everything on a public forum. Dates, times, location details, accomplices, photos (preferably showing high res details of your face, mates, crime, etc) This way they can simply browse the forum instead of any real police work. They'll appreciate your help in catching you.
  18. Thinking more of the availability, than the brand. They're not the easiest things to pick up, are .20 pellets.
  19. Q.B.E... Qualified By Experience
  20. Yeah. This list tells you what's legal for what you're legally taking What people buy and use is up to them, but why the f**k would you admit it on an open forum which is regularly watched by the enemy?
  21. The silver lining, to this cloud, is that because there are more people doing it there are way more people who are bad at it. If you're a decent tech, willing to build your customer base, you can find your niche in this saturated market. Matt's pretty much summed it up, in the earlier post. It's interesting work. Varied. I've never had two days the same. I won't be retiring, any time soon, but if you like problem solving, and variety, it could be the avenue you wish to explore!
  22. ... and then you have to search for decent pellets to go in it.
  23. That's good to know, as I'm always hungover!
  24. Gotcha, I'm hungover and you were being way to cryptic! DE is a good product, no allegedly about it. The mechanical control aspect ensures resistance is kept to a minimum, at least for the time being. For fleas treatments, as the thread suggests, there are better ways as you know. DE acts as a decent, barrier, but I've never used it as part of flea treatment, and I don't see how it could be a valid treatment for a parasitic insect without first treating the animal, with something like fipronil. For other insects it's an effective, and cheap, alternative to contact dusts/powders. As wi
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