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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Had carp, catfish, and tilapia, while I was staying with friends in North Las Vegas. Delicious. If they're wild caught you need to let them swim in fresh, clean, water for a day, or so. It cleans the shitty muddy taste out of the flesh. Hugh Whittingstall said something similar a few years ago but it seems to hold strong. If you can get past the eating with your eyes stage, you'll eat well. Eat cheap too.
  2. Only if you promise to use the air conditioning, all year, and never take it out of third!
  3. My local MP became a Baroness... I will not call her by that title. Ever.
  4. Green is the new religion. The core philosophy can help you find peace, in your life, but there is always the fundamentalist element in every religion!
  5. Totally agree. I don't think it's anything more than international posturing, at this point. The North Koreans were doing it a while back, but their attempt was just laughable. Putin has enough of an edge to make it look convincing! My take is that both Russia and China make far more money with trade, than they will with war. They're not going to be in any great rush to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
  6. They had absolute concept of land ownership! Their tribal territories were hotly contested for as far back as records show. Some tribes developed agriculture but were then forcibly relocated into areas that were not suitable for it but so what? Why should they be forced to conform to the will of others? What right does anyone have to tell you, or I, to give up our ways because they don't like it? The US Constitution guarantees inalienable rights, to all US citizens, but these weren't extended to the native population until the late 1960's. Way after they had already been forcibly relocated
  7. Fair comments, BH, but I disagree that we can keep drawing from the well, over and over, without replenishing it. Who would pay for another conflict? Will the British public allow another open ended war? The current campaigns were founded on political bullshit, and the stresses and strains of such commitments are beginning to show.
  8. They were forcibly relocated to reservations. They didn't simply arrive demanding handouts. How do you lay claim to land, that is yours in the first place? They were forcibly relocated and they are routinely treated like shit. Big steaming piles of it. Massive handouts? This ain't the UK's benefit culture! Dances With Wolves wasn't a documentary!
  9. When the revolution takes place, here, will we be happy living in our reservations?
  10. Looking at those pictures that isn't first time he's taken out a caiman.
  11. Not really though, have they? They're treated like shit in their own land and denied equality.
  12. True but the enemy, of my enemy, is my friend!
  13. The old Soviet Union never ratified the Geneva Convention. They wouldn't play by the rules. Why anyone would think they would now, considering that the old ways are still running the new country, is quite baffling. We have 11 years of depleted military budget, battle fatigue, and total lack of public will to be involved. While I'm not particularly frightened of big Vlad I think he knows how the west is and is simply calling it like it is. It makes him look good on the international circuit. Don't think a giant pipe line from Persia to Russia isn't being worked out. We have the trainin
  14. So all the years he's lived here, paid tax, worked, etc... That means he's not allowed to give his reasons for moving out? Economic migrant works both ways. Britain is a tax haven as long as you're not British.
  15. Agreed but he's only doing what everyone in this section is doing... Slagging off what has happened to Blighty... But yeah he is a prick and neither a good player, or actor.
  16. It was probably written in Viz...
  17. Interesting read but we know that the average hippy won't be seeing the inside of the courtroom any time soon.
  18. Let me recap on this... Vinnie Jones doesn't like how Britain has become? He leaves the country and emigrates to the US? From his luxury mansion (paid for by his football and acting careers) he looks back and says the country is f****d (which is pretty much what this General Talk section does.) Now he's a traitor?
  19. I'm not a fan of Putin but Russia hasn't been involved in a war for the last 11 years either. The Cold War ended. Everyone shook hands and turned their attention elsewhere. Who's to say they haven't spent the time re-arming from the last time? We know war boosts economy and Putin is itching to cement his legacy... How much would we want to poke that bear? That puts them about 4% behind the THL forum posters.
  20. The fact he'll be spared a legal battle is fantastic! Justice was served and he acted as anyone would expect, under the circumstances. However, smiley emoticons don't take away the fact his daughter suffered a brutal attack, and he witnessed it. Let that sink in for a moment...
  21. Didn't Vinnie Jones start this thread, on Yahoo news?
  22. The focus should be on the people screwing the pensions. Not those being screwed. Firefighters aren't helping themselves by going on strike. It isn't going to benefit them, as they're still going to have to have their pensions raided. Striking is just going to piss off the general public, and make them look like spoiled children. If the FBU aren't working out, f**k them off and find someone that will. Whatever job you work. If you're only in it for the money, and the money isn't what you want, then it's time to move on. The only firefighters I know, personally, cut drunk drivers out of
  23. Interesting turn of events... Britain Sold Nerve Gas Chemicals To Syria
  24. Couldn't agree more. Vermin isn't contained to four legs either... Have you ever been to Wythenshawe?
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