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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. because I can't like it. Good to see the Ministry Of Information is alive and well. While we all point the finger, at someone who isn't us, we fail to realize that we're all responsible for electing the crooked b*****ds in the first place. Everyone has their eye off the ball. Labour, Tory for a decade and a half, Labour for a decade an a half. Back to the Tories... If you refuse to acknowledge the system is broken, and that the next government, and the one after that, will be more of the same, then we truly are shit out of luck. We get the government we deserve.
  2. ChrisJones


    Edited for accuracy. They're all turds.
  3. Why... Prestige. The market dictates that people will pay more for gun dogs, across the board.
  4. "Nice dog, mate! How's it bred?" - Pretty much every thread in the working dog section for the last 10 years.
  5. I don't believe there is such a thing as a working man's price, just something with a figure you can relate to. It'll be different for everyone. If someone wants to spend £650 on a mongrel, then you can see why prices are so inflated in the first place! The market dictates what the going rate is. Whether it's your working man's price is purely in the eye of the beholder.
  6. What has this thread turned into? The Forty Seven Yorkshiremen?? http://youtu.be/DAtSw3daGoo
  7. ChrisJones

    The Booze

    You'd be amazed how many pints your kids can carry, from the bar, if you train them early on! Guinness builds families as well as strength.
  8. An S20 doesn't have the air capacity for FAC - what would you get? 10 shots? That's what I was thinking but can it be done? If so I'd love to see the conversion.
  9. S200 in FAC? I'd love to see that one up and running. How many SPC?
  10. ChrisJones

    The Booze

    The liver is evil. It must be punished.
  11. Pass a law that says all employees, that don't have British passports, have to be paid £500 an hour. See who's working on your local building site at the end of the week...
  12. Only if they'll systematically dismantle the system that allows them to profit from public service. Shrink government. Repeal laws pertaining to personal freedom. I don't suggest anyone works for free but when the cabinet drinks bill is several million £'s a year I remain skeptical that anyone is going to make any real change. We've all seen it promised but none of us have seen it practiced. If UKIP are elected. Level the playing field and make steps to limit the power of government against individual freedom then they will indeed be a libertarian party.
  13. ChrisJones

    The Booze

    73% Drunkard 17% Bullshit 5% LOL 5% Real Deal Dog Men It's called THL Posting standard as was originally published in Internet Tough Guy Magazine.
  14. Just out of curiosity... The next lot of 'elected' government, whomever they may be. What makes you think they'll stop fiddling and lining their own pockets? UKIP/BNP/Green/La Relovution Socialte? They get into government for the right reasons but they seldom stay there for anything other than the £'s... Vote Libertarian.
  15. ChrisJones

    The Booze

    Boozing makes you not give a flying f**k about things like bellies.
  16. ChrisJones

    The Booze

    One bottle of red down. One to go... f**k sobriety.
  17. They are! I saw them live at the Hard Rock in Vegas, March this year! f***ing awesome to see!
  18. Sorry scothunter, I didn't read that far back and ever single post in it's entirety. Arrogant, little Englander? I don't think it's funny at all. I know that the consequences for all, will outweigh the benefits of the few. I think I kinda posted that point. The laughing seems to be going on, more north of the border than south. Until the reality check kicks in. But don't worry. We'll wait! That seems to be confined to the cities. I've never encountered any anti-English nonsense outside of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and even that was minor.
  19. Ad Block and Ad Block+ Click & Clean CCleaner Oh yeah and Firefox as your browser!
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