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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Normally I'd say if you can't do the time don't do the crime But should it be Allah Wuakba?
  2. My heart bleeds for the British inmates.............
  3. O'Driscoll is truly one of the greats. Fantastic career. Hope his is longer and more prosperous than it is, already. I say that as an Englishman, with a respect for the game.
  4. Not the problem but that alone should be a wake up call to anyone holidaying, on the continent, thinking of leaving their kids unattended, or with complete strangers.
  5. Very little accountability in the industry. You should see how some of the local authorities do their treatments. Stapling bags of rodenticide to trees, handing out brodi blocks, decanting insecticide into pop bottles... Rules are great but if no one is enforcing them...
  6. Beats 'Britain's Got Haemorrhoids' by a country mile!
  7. Have a read of Phil's biography, if you enjoy the show. He's one hell of a character.
  8. Not sure but if you're planning to sedate someone, for some purpose, you could just read them this thread.
  9. Step One: Get UKIP elected. Step Two: Make sure they're held to account for everything they're saying they're going to do. What they say is charming, but what they do will define them. We've all been around long enough to tell when a politician is lying. His lips are moving.
  10. No thanks. This thread is as close as I want to be to one...
  11. Fair one, fireman. There's many that did, and many that still do. Kids do get snatched but abuse is most common from someone within the family. The thing with the McCann case is that they took all the steps to ensure that whoever wanted that kiddy could do it undisturbed. That's what bothers me. It's a horrible, horrible, situation but completely and utterly preventable, in this case. That's why it just doesn't make sense.
  12. Totally agree. So how much food in the pantry? How long are the lights out for? I see 28 Days Later but with more Burberry!
  13. Holy shit it's been a busy day!! Devil's Advocate here, Lab, but my tuppence is because they actually caught her [April Jones] killer. In Maddy's case there is no face to splash around the media. People need to visualize what they perceive as the bad guys. As there is no kidnapper to point the finger at, the next in line is the parents. I'm not one for the conspiracy theory. I like evidence. The only evidence, here, is the child neglect. They left three kids, aged three and under, alone while they went out... That's the bit I personally can't let go. How someone so educated could do s
  14. The lights go out tomorrow. How long before the place descends into the summer riots?
  15. Agreed, and they'll live that day for the rest of their lives. How could it have been prevented? I can agree with that TC, but this was a conscious decision by two parents. The scrutiny, it's put them under, is valid IMHO. Agreed but how preventable was this horrible tragedy? Are we not entitled to an opinion on parental neglect? Same question, Gnash. In this case, these specific set of circumstances, would you leave your toddlers alone while you went for a meal?
  16. In this case, these specific set of circumstances, would you leave your toddlers alone while you went for a meal?
  17. See if you can get a couple of practice shots, with one, before you sink any money into it.
  18. Quick show of hands. You're on holiday, in Europe. How many of you would leave your three children, aged 3 and under, in your apartment, alone, while you go to dinner with your friends? We're not talking for a few minutes. We're not talking in the next room. We're not talking playing the garden. We're saying while you go out to a restaurant with your friends.
  19. Only because we have no visual cues. It's easier for us [people] to vilify what we can quantify, than what we can't. Until the kidnapper is plastered all over the papers our rage has to be directed at something we can grasp.
  20. Until they actually repeal the law (unlikely) they'll be turning a blind eye. This will only happen when it suits them. It's still an offence so stay vigilant.
  21. Bump but this might be better being shifted to the main General Talk section. It'll get more traffic.
  22. Got the food and water fixed but how do you protect it from looters?
  23. ChrisJones


    I enjoyed that too. Shame it's not as well choreographed as Heat.
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