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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Sure, for ground targets!
  2. Very true but these are a bunch of hippies trying to make you scared. Question is do you let them? What's the legality of this private surveillance? More to the point what choke/load would you recommend?
  3. If he did what they say he did then he'll get what's coming to him. Sex offenders don't look a 'certain way' so being able to pick one out of a crowd isn't going to happen.
  4. Paranoia... So what if they send these things up? They have to have a good idea that you are where they think you are. Or they're just cruising around burning time and money. Antis are getting less and less. This is a great way to make you think they can watch you all the time.
  5. Everyone south of Knutsford is a cockney!
  6. Kinda what I figured. Just wondered if anyone had one/seen one... I'll have to switch brands for a full tang it appears. I love Mora's and have all the ones in the link. Twice over. And some more on top! I love em!
  7. I'm after a decent, full tang, knife. I currently favour the Mora brand because of cost and usability. The question is, does anyone know whether Mora make a full tang knife? If so could you point me in the right direction, because I can't find one. Y.I.S Chris
  8. Recommend Spybot and Malware Bytes for extra security!
  9. What would you suggest as a viable solution for the NHS? The bean counters, checking passports, makes a fantastic headline but it doesn't hide the elephant in the room.
  10. Ironically we spend way more than that, on health care, but because we don't get an itemized bill we assume it's free!
  11. It doesn't matter whether it's skin colour, accent, religious persuasion, or sexuality. Eastern European, western, African, Asian, Antarctican! They're only a minimal, tiny, part of 1.7million employee equation! If you were physically able to remove all foreigners, from NHS treatment, tomorrow, it would make zero difference to anything we complain about in the NHS. The hospitals would still be dirty. You'd still wait 6 months to see a doctor. They'd still be closing A&E's. Most importantly they'll still be employing nearly two million people while blaming the problem on something o
  12. We all know that's the case. People do come here for free health care and don't contribute to the system. But how many of these people aren't foreigners? You know the 3-4 generations of home grown shit, that have never paid in but always taken out? Why do all these General Talk threads blame everyone else except the real deal hardcore reasons for the shit it's in in the first place? To say that EU economic migrants are the reason for the strain on the NHS, while ignoring it's 1.7m employees is asinine. These people are paid entirely from taxpayers money. They provide a service for the
  13. Because this entire thread is based at blaming none UK nationals. I'm calling bullshit.
  14. Mal, if it were just quality healthcare professionals I don't think any man, woman, or child, would have an issue. How many are admin staff, and just how many people do we need to pay, as a taxpayer? The NHS is a maelstrom... Money pours in. It whirls around, gets sucked down, and simply f*****g disappears. Like all local government, only a national scale. With that number of employees we should be able to get operations instantly. In a hospital that is so clean, and free from secondary infections, that you'd have to wear gowns just to visit the place... However the government has it's
  15. If they privatized the NHS the British public would not see a penny. We'd still pay the tax too.
  16. We were too poor for a cave. We lived in a shoe box in the middle o'th road...
  17. Do people really believe that immigrants are the cause of the NHS costs? I mean seriously? As of 2012 these are the employers with the largest workforce. This is globally. U.S Department Of Defense. 3.2m People's Liberation Army. 2.3m China Railway Engineering Corporation. 2.2m Walmart. 2.1m McDonald's. 1.9m The NHS. 1.7m The NHS employs more people, in Britain, than ANYONE ELSE. 200,000 less people than McDonald's does GLOBALLY. 600,000 less than the conscripted Chinese army! Does that not strike anyone here as completely f*****g batshit insane? You seriously think ou
  18. You need a funnel, strong tape, and enough PVC pipe to reach the downstairs window. Job done.
  19. Removing the three foreigners rule, and dumping shipping containers full of money to the FA, ruined English football. Again, if there isn't a giant f***ing cheque, involved, no one cares. The promise of a giant payday is part of the ultra competitiveness.
  20. People say the country is going to shit. It's [insert Perceived Problem Group And Point Finger Here]'s fault. It seems to be that no gives a flying f**k unless there is a giant cheque attached to it! No one wants to engage any of the problems unless they're rewarded financially. That, gentlemen, is the f***ing problem with the nation formerly known as Great Britain. The slide into shit will continue, and it's only when people can smell it, in this case being stood in shit up to neck level, will anyone actually get involved.
  21. Have you tried growing a beard and blowing the call with a thick Louisiana accent?
  22. I use a Lansky. I'm no bladesmith, katana wielder, or chef. I use carbon steel knives (Mora) and I want them sharp. Lansky works and is consistent. Blade tech is good for older knives or ones that you don't mind wearing down. If you're sharpening a knife you're removing steel... period. If that doesn't sit well maybe close your eyes and let someone else do it for you!
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