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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. I posted it earlier in the thread, mate, but you won't read it and you won't agree with it. It's pointless conversing with you about it. I've literally just posted that I don't want to see any funding for the UN and it's subsidiaries. It's the post above yours.
  2. Honestly, mate. I'm alright with reduced funding for the UN and it's subsidiaries, I'm no fan of them, but Don's done it to deflect blame from his own failings in the handling of the pandemic. If people want to fund the WHO so be it but it should be done like THL favourite Bill Gates does it. Voluntarily. Unfortunately jacked up taxes to pay for free sh*t and piss poor government oversight in the money is endemic in the 1st world.
  3. Advisors and co-ordinators to UN on health matters. They promote public health and target resources. They're not without controversy but they have no legal powers in the sense they can't force member states to adopt any of their recommendations.
  4. Thanks mate! I re-read the article I posted and it said it right at the bottom but it was covered by an advert on my end!
  5. Any idea what that new WHO contribution figure is, @jetro?
  6. @Francie Ireland quadruples it's contributions to the WHO.
  7. The only difference is the private sector pay it from their own pocket whereas the public sector is 100% on the taxpayers pocket. I'm curious to see what the total figure would amount to as the British taxpayer will be coughing up 100% for it the months/years to come. Fair. We know from drawn out experience they don't work.
  8. True. Personally I'm not happy that they've suspended the conditions of oversight in what they actually do with that money. Your screename says Michigan. How are you fairing up there. Down here in southern Utah we haven't had a new reported case since Monday and we've only had one fatality since it all kicked off. A lot here are concerned that many will see that and come this way and we could see a spike. We're already seeing California and New York license plates as they come to their second homes/relatives.
  9. Except the bit where it's free!
  10. WHO fires back at Donnie. Timeline Of Comments From President Trump and the WHO. TL:DR Don suspends funding and says the WHO 'mismanaged' the pandemic. Timeline suggests Don might be full of it. :rolleyes:
  11. Latest French study into hydroxychloroquine, tested on over 180 patients, shows no benefits at all. Side effects to treatment reported. It's awaiting peer review. Link to sciency bits that no one reads...
  12. Simple. Just bag it up and send it back where it came from! :laugh:
  13. :laugh: It sure as sh*t ain't a think tank! :thumbs:
  14. Funny thing about sh*t, isn't it? People produce it and science sifts through it and gets answers!
  15. Fair. I was a mod in my 9/11 was an inside job days!
  16. So no evidence that he doesn't vaccinate his kids or vaccines killed 400,000 Indian kids then... BTW: Who the f*ck is Nino Rodriguez before I listen to his take on what is really going on?
  17. The main difference between David Icke and THL is that he's not anonymous and he makes a ton of money turning out his crankery. If he had a screename instead of a website and decently funded platform he'd fit right in on here.
  18. @Born Hunter Comparison screenshot for NY. Apologies if it's a little small to read but the full CDC link can be read here. That's their current published stats.
  19. Even I couldn't get a manuscript out of that! Saying that looking at the money these cranks are making I reckon I missed my calling!
  20. I dunno, mate. I reckon Bill, Donnie and The Undertaker will headline Wrestlemania next year!
  21. No sources. No worries!
  22. In other news the world is risking a measles epidemic as millions of kids will miss vaccines because of coronavirus restrictions and Bill and Donnie are set for a showdown at Wrestlemania!
  23. My current favourite is that he went to India years ago and paralyzed 400,000 kids with his vaccines. Other thread running in GT.
  24. Yeah! When you put it in perspective it really is night and day. Not worried too much the meeting is more to do with adjusting operations in light of the new information. You'd be surprised how many small businesses here handle massive amounts of cash this side of the border that are allegedly laundering operations. Thanks mate. Corona is alright but I prefer Modelo. Typical government bureaucracy... We're 6 months behind that curve!
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