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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. It does to the people his market is catered to. I think the guy is a complete crank but I oppose the fact that they've censored him.
  2. "Sunderland calling, Sunderland calling"
  3. I dunno, mate. Have you seen what a few angry locals can do with small arms?
  4. As far as this thread is concerned that something I agree 100% on, with you!
  5. You'd think this side of the border there would be a much larger problem considering the amount of these rifles that are in circulation... Why let the truth ruin a good story though, right? Have you seen the bill the Democrats are pushing at the moment? Have a search for HR 5717 if you haven't seen it already.
  6. Sincerest condolences from the colonies, mate. Sorry to hear that.
  7. From what I've been seeing a surveillance state has been the norm from 2000 onward. I can't imagine it's improved? Forced lockdowns, fines for the leaving the house, kinda looks like that ship has already sailed!
  8. Absolutely. Remember how 6 months ago the top bollocks were saying what a great economy we had? Record low unemployment figures then bang. Pandemic. The world turned and it showed how fleeting everything is. I'm curious to see how Orban's view of the world plays out. Like a lot of isms, though... They only work on paper. I attempt to get on with everyone. I'll treat people the way I like to be treated and it works for the most. I expect little and I'm rarely disappointed with the way people behave.
  9. Many will say neither. I get called a liberal because I'm not arsed about race, drugs, and gays. I get called a nazi when I explain why we need to gut the welfare state at gunpoint. Either way the system ain't changing and you and I both moved away from it because what we perceived was wrong with it was sufficient reason to do so. I don't hold that against anyone. You don't like your situation, you have every right to attempt to change it.
  10. Fixed that for you. If Britain doesn't stop paying everyone, for just turning up, the problem will never go away. You see it as a race issue. I see it as decades of mismanagement. I'm sure someone reading this will say we're both wrong.
  11. That bit I did read about but I was thinking more of whether his previous behaviour raised any flags at a legal level? He broke numerous laws along the way. I could be mistaken, and absolutely open to correction, but didn't a number of his victims die from the arson attacks also?
  12. Sounds like a familiar pattern. Guy commits firearms crimes and the response to make those crimes even more illegal but by punishing those that haven't committed them. I don't know a great deal about it but was this guy on anyone's radar before he did it?
  13. Bulletproof and now corona-proof... I'll never get a day off!
  14. Who doesn't? We've got two senile plonkers running for the top job... What could go wrong?
  15. I"m not following you, mate. Do you means besides masks, distancing, and non-essential travel? Or the fact they told the world to be on alert at the beginning of January and no one really took it seriously until mid-March? As I said earlier in this thread. I'm no fan of the WHO or the UN in general but I'm failing to see how this is their 'fault' through mishandling?
  16. I don't think they do as standard. Not over here anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a conversion for them, though.
  17. Thanks for the link Bas! Our top THL virologists will be over shortly!
  18. Finished watching Season 1 of the The Twilight Zone re-boot. I'm quite impressed with it. A real throw back to the originals.
  19. They are! They're not particularly quick but they'll go pretty much anywhere. I've been looking for a second hand one but they don't come up very often as people like to hang on to them. They've been on the market since the late 70's early 80's I believe and even the used ones fetch a premium.
  20. @jetro Can you get the Rokon in Eire?
  21. I like a bit of trunk space in a late model sedan...
  22. That one is on my to do list. Let me know if you think it's worth a view! Since posting in this thread, last time, I've re-watched Sicario and End of Watch.
  23. I can agree with you there, mate, but as you know from threads past, present, and probably future. My issue has always been with the chairman and the board. Not the players. I still support the team but they're not having another penny of my money while they're squandering it and not chasing the silverware. As far as community goes I grew up in one and as those that made it a community aged and died it wasn't a community anymore. Where I live now has been very welcoming to me as a foreigner and even as shitty as the city of Las Vegas is the lads I work with, from all over the Americas and
  24. I've seen a lot of the brass kicking around our range but the fudds are usually all over it. If you're not careful they're trying to get hold of your .223 while it's still smoking! I need to research a reloading set up a little closer. Ammo prices are going up and overtime is going down!
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