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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. That's where I came in! The reason they're worth billions is because people lap that sh*t up on a continual basis. Everything printed or broadcasted is market drivel driven.
  2. Zero restrictions on what they report is what I'm saying. I haven't stated anywhere that hacking voicemails and the related shenanigans are at all acceptable, and are already illegal to my understanding. They have nothing to do with the operation of the free press. Agreed but they're supplying the market with what people want to buy. And the people lap it up. That's cause and effect. It's a business and a shady one at that. Call it out freely for what it is and let the individual decide. Fair, but the fine would be a drop in the bucket compared to the revenue generated by the c
  3. Personally, I believe there should be zero restrictions on the the free press. As individuals we need to accept that media corporations are selling a product and act therefore act accordingly. The consumption of the media reflects on the wants of the consumer. In the time of misinformation and disinformation, on this scale, the responsibility lies with the individual, IMHO...
  4. Understood, mate. I certainly can't make any comparisons on policy as we're connected to vastly different organisations. I've spent the last 11 years with my company and I've watched many of the movers and shakers come and go. Policy is as fluid as you'd expect but the old mantras of 'The Only Guarantee Is Change' and 'Even Your Best Gear Is Made By The Cheapest Bidder' play out on a daily basis. While we've certainly had to adapt to political changes over the years I can't imagine, or would even want to imagine, how that works on an enforcement level in LE. I only know that in the last d
  5. It's funny you should mention that, mate. I've heard a few saying that lining up for food is the failure of capitalism but quietly ignoring that the state has forced the closure of the private sector. The cynic in me says they're preparing us for breadlines because of the authoritarian backlash that is coming... but that's for another thread!
  6. Agreed but as we're discussing on the other thread that's running there's a lot of 'do as I say don't do as I do' and at best it's terrible PR and at the worst when it comes from people at a level that defines national policy. At the private level the harm costs money that effects few. It's usually rooted out. At the public level it's rewarded and can endanger an entire population. To me, at least, it warrants the reduction in size of 'the public' because of this. I mean if you don't trust your government, why would you want to make it bigger?
  7. That's a fair assessment, mate, and depending on the individual it can be indeed a colossal waste of time. One of the easiest indicators I've seen is the phrase 'So You're Saying...' It's being used a hell of a lot more in today's media, and on discourse like we're experiencing now. When you learn to spot it you can save a shit ton of time! Absolutely and you're just scratching the surface. Good job THL is still here. This constant outrage in the quest for 'correctthink' would have seen us all banned from every other platform in existence... We're truly lucky in that aspect. Peo
  8. It's an understandable reaction though, don't you think, mate? At least from some sectors. We pay these people to govern. To lead. They tell us one thing and do the opposite. That's bad PR regardless of the outcome. The real villain of the piece is that neither side is willing to even hear the other. Fingers in the ears la la la la la I'm not listening!
  9. Absolutely, mate! I understand why they did it but I also knew the fall out that would come with it too. I think one of the largest failings of the publicity is that we were all blindsided by it and the information is still changing on an almost hourly basis. It's exposed the weaknesses of the current system and a lockdown was implemented to reduce the strain on the healthcare system. Now we've had the time to catch our breath we have to work towards fundamentally changing the way we conduct social interaction on a daily basis, or else the damage done will cause more harm than the virus,
  10. Private sector too but they tend to get sh*t-canned instead of promoted. I've dealt with pretty much everything you've outlined and we're just a small satellite office in an international corporation. The sentiment that rank holds knowledge has always cost them money but for some reason they all refuse to listen to the people that actually have to do the job.
  11. It's interesting you said that as we're seeing something similar play out this side of the pond. Covid-19 is now a political opinion. One side mandates a lockdown. The other insists on nothing shorter than business as usual. Fines and bollockings vary depending on location. I'm anti-lockdown, purely because it's mandatory. If you believe that coronavirus is serious risk to public health, and I do, I'll take the recommended steps. I'm already voluntarily complying with the rules but then I always have because I choose to live my life this way, anyway. If you don't believe that the cor
  12. Yeah. It was all grey and covered in shit the last time I saw it. I don't know what eventually happened I just hope it was quick and humane.
  13. Can't argue with that mate. I loved Chester Zoo as a kid but as I got older it just felt weird and then ultimately wrong. The polar bear was the final straw for me. I read the news now about rhinos being poached and rangers killed while C19 locks down some of the African sporting locations. As much as I'd like to get out on one I'd quite happily shoot anything with a camera!
  14. Yeah. I saw that one too. Made me queasy watching it. Same when I saw the polar bear at Chester Zoo banging it's head against the rock... I can't stand those places. Yet we're the monsters for daring to suggest hunting and conservation go together but most of the public will pay money to gawk at captive fauna going insane. \ It's never sat right with me.
  15. Was that 'Blackfish,' @Greb147?
  16. I'm sure he'll offload it all on some poor unsuspecting population if it doesn't work...
  17. It'll be nice to see if it actually works for C19. Too much speculation at present.
  18. Yep. Poorer communities tend to have higher cases of pre-existing health conditions too. Apply some liberal logic and you get 'This Virus Is Racist.' Would Drill Master be a shittier mayor than Ken, Boris, or Sadiq though?
  19. Some good news for once. Captain Tom Moore is to be knighted for his NHS fundraising efforts.
  20. What have Austria done differently?
  21. They've all been rammed this side of the pond, mate. Like record business levels. They're classed as essential and the Yanks just gotta shop!
  22. We've pretty much worked the whole way through it. We didn't get hand sanitizer until April. Masks until beginning of this month and we received sanitizing wipes yesterday morning. We're going through a lot of hand sanitizer as we don't have access to soap and running water for most of the day. The wipes are handy if anyone handles any of our tech. Masks I've found to be a complete waste of time and generally more of a hindrance than a help. They're soiled as soon as you mess with them and we've had triple digit temperatures this last week. We've got the same instructions as you lads
  23. I had the same ticker message when I unlocked the Paranoia symptom on Plague Inc.
  24. You've gotta watch that Bill Gates, Katch...
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