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Everything posted by ChrisJones

  1. Is that why they've dropped the release the kraken narrative?
  2. Anyone know why Trump has binned Sidney Powell?
  3. You'll change your tune when he sues you for food poisoning...
  4. I have to admit Putin's been quietly rebuilding while America has been backsliding. He's having a battle of wits with an opponent that is clearly unarmed. Genius play. To the blues it cements the facts in their minds that Don's influenced by the Kremlin. To the reds it shows that their 2IC hardman is an ally. To the rest of us it drives that wedge a little further while they're all pointing the finger at each other. Check...
  5. I'd say fair comment if Don hadn't drained the swamp and replaced these people with his own cabinet, essentially. If you're right we're looking at a conspiracy that's well off THL's traditional radar! I'm still going with, "he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"
  6. Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Association of State Election Directors have said there is no evidence on fraud on these machines, dubbing this election "The Most Secure In American History." The OSET Institute has said the claims about Dominion machines are "misinformation at best and, in many cases, they’re outright disinformation." OANN and Gateway Pundit cited a report from Edison Research, that Edison say never existed. That hadn't produced any data to support the allegation and added that they weren't aware of any voter fraud.
  7. From our end, at least, the trillions dished out this year alone are unprecedented. The bill is now so high it'll take generations to bring it under control but both leaders in this election are looking at making that bill even higher. Neither Biden nor Trump seem overly keen on addressing that and as an American taxpayer it's a huge concern. Nobody trusts government but we seem to be dead keen on making it even bigger. Trying to get them to fix the problems they created. It's f*ck*ng bonkers!
  8. Like @Accip74 said, I wouldn't be surprised with a 150m turnout. But if it was enough to swing an election like they're alleging the evidence isn't being presented at the legal level. I'm inclined to believe it either doesn't exist. Isn't enough to matter. Or there is a massive conspiracy involving potentially hundreds of thousands of people scattered across the US. All the way up to Don's own handpicked administration as he's calling out and firing people that are disagreeing with his analysis. Given the fact that Don has been telegraphing this move since the last election I'm more
  9. What we're doing now is a pretty good start. We have that freedom intact, at least for now. I've mentioned Section 230 in a previous posts but it's one of the only things the big two will actually agree on, despite wanting it repealed for differing reasons. That is a threat to our heated discourse. Fixing the rest would take generations and will be an uphill battle. Many already died for that right and generation after generation have spunked it away... bringing us to today. I don't know how to fix that but we need to reach across the isle to do it.
  10. +2 Despite all the arguing on here, back and forth, we should never lose sight of the fact that it's us Vs them. Not me Vs you. We will differ on many things but if we can all respect our individual responsibility to individual liberty and accountability we'll still be able to have a beer over it and do politics the way it should be done. They fear that realization.
  11. I know where I lean on this one, and I have a good idea where you do too. Fact is we're in a minority and we're all taking this ride whether we like it or not. I've said that somewhere else, I think...
  12. It's actually the 8th. That's what's refered to as the 'Safe Harbor' deadline. If Trump's legal challenges go past that (potentially up to and including SCOTUS) it will be sent to Congress to fix. Here's a pretty good article on how the US electoral college works, if you're interested, why it's important to state autonomy, and why the Constitutional framers were right to avoid mob rule! Mate. Whoever wins, America loses. Remember we're electing one of two stuttering imbeciles.
  13. Fair but why are Trump's legal team getting thrown out of court. Repeatedly. If these allegations had merit then surely at least one might have some teeth? It just brings us back to either conspiracy or democracy. I understand what you're saying about posting stuff and no one reading it. Welcome back to THL! That's a problem that both echo chambers face. Pick your poison. Most on here won't want to read/view anything that conflicts with their narrative. I'm not guilt free there either. I personally don't wish to see either Biden or Trump in the White House. This thread has run since
  14. 3 weeks ago I'd have agreed with that but the evidence simply isn't supporting it. At least from the legal challenges getting thrown out. I don't know of any that have it made it through. Either we have a massive conspiracy involving potentially hundreds of thousands of actors or Don's performance review hasn't gone well. Not every state used it but here in Utah we have for several years without issue. The uptake has been huge, with Covid, but Utah voted Trump at about 58% up from 45% in 2016. If the fraud allegations warrant national merit I'm still unsure as to why that hasn't b
  15. I can agree with that. I think the true threat to democracy, here, is front and centre. All channels all the time. We've got a world leader who had telegraphed that it was rigged on several occasions and while I agree he has the right to explore all legal avenues, and should be encouraged to do so, the process so far seems to be intact. The bickering in the press over the last 4 years has been awful. I've tried throughout to pick articles that show the least amount of bias and the most factual content in this polarized universe. What I believe is a threat to democracy is that he's no
  16. If the Trump team had presented even a shred of actual evidence I'd be inclined to agree with you but every single one of these cases has been binned as meritless. There have been numerous articles over the last couple of weeks that are saying Trump's legal team can't even file cases accurately and they're rife with errors, typos, even referencing the wrong statutes. To get to SCOTUS he's going to have to pull out the proverbial rabbit from the hat. We'll have to wait and see.
  17. Fair. Can you dispute any of it's content? I couldn't.
  18. I'm still curious as to how this alleged rigging only effected the presidential part of the ballot. All the issues are on one piece of paper. Everything from congressman, senators, propositions, and even amendments to the state constitution. Considering the house and senate races have tightened from 2018 that would require a much larger effort to tamper with, IMO. Either this is an unprecedented conspiracy requiring the co-ordination of potentially hundreds of thousands of people. Or Don's not as popular now the voters have seen how he's gone on with four years on the golf course in
  19. AP News: Trump's Legal Team Cried Fraud, But Courts Found None.
  20. I only said it because I'm hearing a lot of Americans saying that they're moving to Canada if Biden gets elected!
  21. I saw that same meme but the caption read "The Constitution Under Trump And Biden." Gotta love the Internet!
  22. There's a rumour going around that Don's looking for work in January...
  23. Shows how quiet my Sunday afternoon is! I'm actively trolling instead of passively reading! It's up to 23 pages now. I wonder how many more will answer the call?
  24. I know which is why I responded to your post saying we had to appreciate his achievements. I was curious as to the why in your statement. No you've corrected that saying we don't have to appreciate it, which is fine. Employee of the year. Isn't that why he's getting his trophies? Being the best employee in the company? Consistently? I mean I could appreciate his achievements if he was instrumental in the design of the internal combustion engine, or even developed an advanced all wheel drive system that would one day get me out of the mountains in 15feet of snow but we seem to be t
  25. Great! And? Why do we have to? He's essentially the longest running employee of the year for his corporation. I still don't understand why we have to appreciate that. See it yes. Appreciate it? Why? It has little bearing outside his chosen field. It's not like he's explained how the universe works, or anything...
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