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mrs sweepy

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About mrs sweepy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 06/02/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Good old essex
  • Interests
    My men (Of which i have three)<br />Sammy+Mitzy My two gundogs (who are they kidding)<br />My four very smelly ferrets.<br />People , What bewitching creatures we are.<br />O and me .(Am still trying to work out who i am. Which at times can be very interesting indeed)<br /><br /><br /><br />O and all the normal housewifey things cooking, cleaning,reading and sex.

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  1. The Sweepys have just got theirs. Well done girls What a great Calender. I love July what a brill pic. Who do the bloodhound belong too.? I think September is my fave. I would love to have a photo of my dogs and Myself like that . But with my two i somehow dont think it would look so glamorous WELL DONE GIRLS IT WAS WELL WORTH THE WAIT And those who have not order one. You dont know what you are missing. xxx
  2. Well done girls. You can put me down for one too. It will make the perfect stocking filler. Will i have to have my felt tip ready to cover up the lady bits . In case the vicar comes for afternoon tea. xxxxSuzy
  3. Happy Birthday Babes Have a good one xxxxSuzy
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABES Hope you have a good one. xxxSuzy Be careful your nearly caught me up age wise
  5. Yes as long as it fresh . Many of are Christmas dinners have been road kill. We just dont tell are guests. Well not till they have finish. xxxxSuzy
  6. Both my son and myself suffer from it (have been tested) Go for the test . Just to put your mind at rest. People with Dyslexia usally have a high IQ And if you are at collage then you will find their is help out their. xxxxxSuzy
  7. Kay you not got the old hidden chimney . I have in my bedroom and i often hear sounds from that. xxxxSuzy
  8. First if their ice on the water my dogs stay on their leads. And no matter how much i love my dogs (which i do) My kids still come first. But on saying that i would also find it very hard to live with myself afterwards. Hopefully i will never be in that prosition. xxxSuzy
  9. I never had the engagement ring. My Wedding ring cost £45.(god knows were that is now.) My Wedding dress was under £100 And the whole wedding came in at just under the Thousand pounds. We didnt have a honeymoon either as we both were busy at work. We also had only known each other for about 6 months. Someone even asked if we wanted a pram for as the wedding gift. Should have said yes. Are first baby arrived 11 months later No one thought it would last . So do you think after 17 years of marriage .I can now turn round and say told you so
  10. I do it for love(i sleep with the boss) xxxSuzy
  11. Kay get the passport Then you and i can sample some of the European Markets. We could try some of those cafes in good old Amsterdam Go in well behave young ladies. come out like giggling schoolgirls. xxxSuzy
  12. Think mine will be the same as yours Kay Before i settle down and had the boys . If i fancy going somewhere then i packed my bags and went . Now they not hanging on to my apron strings no more i think it is time Suzy went exploring once again.(work allowing) I think its time i also leant something new. Dont know what let. O and more sex please Mr New Year And less winkles
  13. I just love the last pic . Its the face only the mother could love. His gorgeous Al xxxxSuzy
  14. When i was three months gone i fell down the stairs. I kid myself for as long as i could that everything was ok. As you can guess it was not. For a long long time i blame myself . And would not let anyone near me. Its ture when they say time is a great healer. And since then i have had the other child. I found the lot of people did not know how to handle what had happen to me . And i was told on many occasions that it was not the baby as such. We could try again. And my all time fave. It was not meant to be. To lose the baby is a very lonely grief. In some ways i think it is the
  15. Hi sallymonkey(were did you get your name from)Can i be your friend babes


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