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Everything posted by P.Carter

  1. I was thinking about joining up at one stage mate, but I let my fitness slip and I still have unspent convictions to account for, I don't think I'd pass with my Medical either as I've got a history of quite bad eczema, but I do know someone that just said it was a touch of dry skin with his and he joined at 17 and is now 20 odd, and he's still there, but the minimum age that you can join is set quite high so it's always an option considering for the future with me. Just think about what your doing properly, it's a big step to be taking at 16 years of age IMO and don't forget you have to sign
  2. Well done to you both, he looks like a good lad and seems bright with him taking in all that about nervous reflexes. Better for him to have a hobby, especially one his father enjoys, it will keep him of the streets and away from trouble. Once again, well done to your lad and all the best to you and your son. Cheers, Paul.
  3. good luck finding them twats mate, not spoke to martin in ages , has he still got dogs dean? Some c**ts will pinch out if it isn't nailed down. Good look with finding the culprits anyway, but whatever courts do to 'em, won't be the justice they deserve. If they have a clean background, which I doubt it, they probably won't get sent down. Some things need to be settled outside the law IMHO.
  4. Some right mad one's about, I've seen some with stabilizers and that on 'em, like what they have on compound bows.
  5. Yeah, PM me and I'll tell you were to send the money. No, but seriously, I don't know.
  6. Good lad for taking him out, it's good to sort people out when they are getting started, I know the feeling, he'll be grateful to say the least. All the best for you both, Paul.
  7. If all you had was a regular meeting place, where like minded people can talk, have a few drinks and a laugh and I think you'd be onto summot'. Should be a club like it in every area in the country, where they can all meet up every so often and have club competitions and that.
  8. Good lad, hopefully you'll get more use and fun outta' 'em than everyone does on here. Still in the process of convincing my mum, having dogs will keep me out of trouble, my old man used to keep 'em but he went out of the game years ago and my mum swore she'd never have another dog near the house. All the best, Paul.
  9. Good lad, he knows it makes sense. All the best for you and your boy.
  10. She'd still get it though.
  11. So you've either got a farmer near you who is a neo-nazi of some kind, that has put the Swastika on a fence, as a secret meeting symbol or summot', or likes branding everything on his land and fences to keep Jews out maybe. Or you've got a retarded pagan, that doesn't know the original luck symbol from a Swastika. Failing that he might be a Hardcore Hindu that likes branding his land to keep demons out or whatever, but couldn't get his hands on any of the original symbols so improvised. Either way mate, he sounds weird, I'd stay clear.
  12. Good set of pictures mate, like the pre-ban 'en's. Nice pictures mate, scenery in 'em is nice.
  13. Looks like a good afternoon, on them pictures of yourself the background of the land looks feckin' breathtaking mate. Think of this then, brand new pair of Adidas Forest Hills, got them a few days earlier, set me back a few quid 'cos they where originals, and I lost the b******s leggin' it across a muddy field, and I had to walk home in me socks, went back next day to look for 'em in the mud... no luck All the best.
  14. I too wear Hooded Jumpers, I HATE Eminem with a passion though, and I have been known to smoke strong weed a few years ago when I didn't know any better. I'm still only a young lad, and taking up shooting, or trying to should I say, is actually keeping me out of trouble, that's partly why I am doing it, so in my case allowing me to have an Airgun is making me use my time productively and stopping me wasting it on drugs and generally being anti-social. One more arrest and I'm guaranteed 12 months in Wetherby, the local YOI, the courts have made that crystal clear, my probation worker is suppo
  15. hi p.carter ican help you with the first 3 Lol, I had been drinking when I wrote that, I remember it taking me about an hour to type 'cos I couldn't see all the keys properly... However, I'm still true to my word, oh and the fit 40+ year old has to be female.
  16. Get hit with a Police Truncheon, the telescopic kind, around the face. F**k Some fit 40+ year old, that 'expires' when I turn 20 though. Have a toe 2 toe with some REALLY hard c**t. D**k slap my old head teacher. Loads of other random s**t, I assume the list will change as I get older.
  17. Use this link to download a program that will play .3gp files. Click here for 3GP Player. Or, Use this link to download a program that will convert .3gp files to more recognised file types, like .avi (can be played using Windows Media Player) or.mp4. Click here for 3GP converter. Or the other option is to Google 'VLC player', as said above, which plays virtually any film file type. Cheers, Paul.
  18. P.Carter


    Does anyone use MSN to talk to people and that, I've been told about it and it's meant to be a good way of staying in contact with people... So I thought I'd get it. Feel free to add me, it will be good to speak to some of you personally, well, personally over the internet: P.Carter.2008@live.co.uk Cheers, Paul.
  19. The environmentalists wet dream is the total ban on 4x4's. How far is the next step to cars? To further your point, on antis killing vermin. All of them have blood on their hands to some degree. The Food Safety Act 1990 outlines what is required of food producers, handlers, distributors and retailers, to ensure that what they're doing will not endanger the public. They have to take steps to make sure that food can not be spoiled or contaminated. For their protection the food producers, handlers, distributors, etc have a defence called "Due Diligence" meaning that they can demonstrate they'
  20. Good lad, a lot better than me then Mind you, I got booted out of 2 schools, did GCSE's at my third and even then it was hit and miss to whether or not they would even submit me for 'em. Regret it now like.
  21. (I thought with this being the youth section, it was the right place to put it, but if it needs moving to the General section, then by all means move it). Anyone just got their GCSE results today, if so what did you all get? I did mine last year like, but I'm curious, everyone I know failed miserably lol.
  22. I just told my old lady that it would keep me outta' s**t, 'cos I was getting into quite a lot of bother not so long ago. Not even got a gun yet, or gone out shooting, but I'm still staying out of bother, 'cos I'm too busy sorting other things out like Insurance and that.
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