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Everything posted by poacherkev

  1. if you ban guests / anti's etc all the will do is join up with a user name like me and you do so the bottom line is dont post stuff that will get you in the shit and trust know body unless its your mates who you know .....
  2. my kids have given my little whippet x bedlington grapes loads of times and hes stolen a malt loaf and eaten lot and there full of raisins and hes still ok i think i will look in to this a bit more and see what i can find out
  3. Thats the best answer ive seen as you say its all about experience and work
  4. Thanks for all your replys ,,,he will be missed by many but as i said his dad cant get over all the offers you lads on the THL gave him for a days ferreting as he said total strangers helping a stranger get his wish you are all a credit to this site and true hunters and his dad thanks you all for your help. Regards kev
  5. The new rapping milk farmers lol
  6. No disrespect loftyslads but your new to this site with only 5 post and your asking lads to own up to breaking the law !!!!!! if we course or not puting that info up on here and shareing our experiences will only give the anti hunting tossers more info to fight us with and for all we know you could be one yourself !!!IS THERE ANYONE THAT CAN VOUCH FOR YOU ON THIS SITE ?? lmao a suspicious mind never hurt anybody i rekon macca will vouch for me lol:feck: Macca says your ok and your one of us lol
  7. No disrespect loftyslads but your new to this site with only 5 post and your asking lads to own up to breaking the law !!!!!! if we course or not puting that info up on here and shareing our experiences will only give the anti hunting tossers more info to fight us with and for all we know you could be one yourself !!!IS THERE ANYONE THAT CAN VOUCH FOR YOU ON THIS SITE ??
  8. Had the same problem on my old disco you have two options ... mastic the roof closed or replace the rubbers with new..
  9. As above mate empty you mail box so i can pm you about your offer..let me know when its empty.. pk
  10. Just a quick update for all the people that have sent offers of ferreting and their best wishes etc my mate is starting some new treatment later this week so he will be out of action for about 3 weeks as this new drug is ment to slow things down (so fingers crossed it work ) but on a good note he was over the moon tonight when i told him i have sorted some ferreting out for him so he now has some good days out to look forward to and has a goal to aim for so thanks to ALL the thl members you are a top bunch and you have made his day ....Thank you kev
  11. ok thanks i will do Tallyho.... Its looking like we may have 2 places to go now thanks to the lads and lasses on here so we may be able to spread it over a couple of weeks so he has a goal to look forward to and not just sit back and give up,,, your a top bunch on the thl...thanks PK
  12. Willy17 ive not got your pm please send again mate if we can sort out a few places even better
  13. I know what your on about snap shot as my mate has it and only has a short time left that why i put my post up today to try and make his wish come true befor its to late ....as they saying says there but for the grace of god go you !!! you never know whats around the corner in life so enjoy it
  14. Your closer than i thought mate i will go around and see his dad in the next few days and if alls ok and i cant see why not i will pm you for a day that suits you ....As long as we can drive up to the sets he will be over the moon mate ....you are the best
  15. Socks thanks very much for the offer mate where are you to in the country ?? if you want to pm me it i will pop around and see his dad to make sure hes up to the drive and if he says yes we can sort a day out..your a top man for the offer Thanks very much
  16. im in bristol but i get down there from time to time working .its a nice part of the country with alot of rabbits
  17. Well said tim lol If you get the beers in roger we will come down and give you a headache all day..... sorry i mean support
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