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Everything posted by poacherkev

  1. We went out with the Berkeley hunt in Thornbury today as my daughter was riding with them a hand full of screaming antis we're hiding in the shopping centre shouting a load of bollocks at everybody that walked by. But it was the largest turn out I've seen for 5 years so it got me thinking is the public view on hunting swinging back in our favour ???????.
  2. To be safe mate just take it down to the vets ... If the dog went blind in time you will only blame yourself vets are trained we are not ..
  3. Just ask a vet to look behind the eye with there kit ..if it is something nasty you can treat it early and save the dog and the sight.. All the best with it
  4. Get down to ann summers and get her a new batterie toy to take her mind of it ...
  5. I expect the antis will show up at some point and have their slanging match with the followers .... But it's always good entertainment winding them up
  6. Anybody going to watch a Boxing Day hunt ?? If so what one you watching ?
  7. Yes mate it was I can't believe they charge that much for a ferret when people have problems giving them away
  8. I took my son down to a garden centre today to get some bits and bobs and notisted that they had a pet section with ferrets for sale !!!!!!!!! When I looked at how much they were I couldn't be leave it £75.00 per ferret
  9. You can never say this sites not entertaining !!!!!!!
  10. Don't tell me your giving up Harry !!!! Only joking its a good offer mate .... We will have to sort out our little walk about sometime maybe over Xmas if your not working
  11. I'm just up the road in bristol mate but you have some good hunting land down your way ( trust me I been there ) I don't think you will have to much trouble getting new land around your way ...pm if you need any help
  12. At least your out doing something that's all that matters mate
  13. Will the VHD virus kill off all our sport ? What do you think ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_haemorrhagic_disease
  14. There's some sick f***ers out there that needs a large bat taken to them . He will be a target in the nic somebody will get to him
  15. I've been looking the virus up today and if you go by what all the pros say this virus WILL kill over 90% of all rabbits If that's true it will kill off all us lurcher & ferreting men http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_haemorrhagic_disease
  16. How long before it progresses to domestic rabbits or ferrets or worse dogs ??
  17. This VHD disease seems to be destroying the rabbit population people are even saying it could wipe out all rabbits!! What's your views on it ? Could it wipe out our sport ? Is it natures virus or a man made virus ?
  18. I've been ferreting / hunting with the lurchers for 30 years and I've never known a year like it !!!!!! The rabbits have just disappeared back in the summer there was hundreds of young running around now there's none. My daughter works on a power station and the rabbits are untouched there and even they have all disappeared .. Its very strange but it seems it's all over the country
  19. Nice to see there's still some good sport around nice photos
  20. I'm just a bloody rich millionaire who does what I want . .........I wish :-((
  21. stitch it then it's job done other wise the dog will lick it and keep it open making the healing time much long ie no work for the dog
  22. Sadly mate it happens and a lot worse some times when you work them all you can do is point them in the right direction and hope for the best .Give him time to heal don't rush it and he will come good.
  23. Yes mate it will still catch rabbits and still run ok he will learn to run with it . I had a bitch that had a toe off one back leg and one front leg plus a knocked up toe and she worked hard all her life until I retired her at 10 years old. it may have made her a tiny bit slower but she still did the job
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