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About mossman330

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 31/07/1954

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  1. couple of pics, one is from ontop of the hilll in my yard and one of my little dog.
  2. im partial to the doberman. its said to be a one man dog. let me see you out run this guy.
  3. does anyone else build there own dog houses? any pictures of designs? Moss
  4. i got the idea of straw insulation when i was driving home from work and saw a construction crew building a house with straw insulation. if it can insulate a persons house surely it can insulate my dogs house. Moss
  5. i was trying to build it a cost effective as possible. a bail of straw cost about $4 and you could insulate probally 10-15 for these houses with 1 bail plus bedding for the inside. Moss
  6. since its getting cold i desided to built some houses instead of buying them. cost about $25 in material and is higher quality than store bought. insulated with straw. just thought id share. moss
  7. kerosene has a lower freezing temp. than diesel but burns the same.
  8. during the cold months i always add kerosene. about 1/3 Moss.
  9. i am also expecting a daughter very soon we have no name. my first daughters name is Ellianna
  10. these fish fight like hell. this one is a baby almost pulled my wife in. took her almost 10min to land that little guy weighed about 14lbs. caught right off the beach. Moss
  11. yup thats a baby striper, almost pulled my wife in. largest i pulled is 45lbs. i hear people after the 75-85lbers. Moss
  12. this is my wifes first keeper. she thought she hit a brick wall... Moss
  13. hey oldnog im kinda i the same boat i have no hands on experience and would hate for something to happen to my dog because of my lack of experience. but i guess you have to start some where. i was told locator collar.
  14. thats her Dallas May. i did recently buy her from him and got 2 little girls outta her to. since i am a begginer in all this i thought i would ask for a few tips. i hope he didnt mind me posting the picture, i edited it.
  15. a forum full of hunters and no one has any good advice for a beginner. hows the next generation of terriermen supposed to learn? trial and error?
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