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Everything posted by vixen

  1. I feed my lot raw with a lower protein food and soaked brown bread nuggets and they do great on this , when i feed them only complete i found the australian formula really good for the overall condition, the gain i find ok for pups but doesn't work for my adult dogs, i wouldn't mix any of the high protein complete with anything else, just find it too much for some of my dogs protein wise.
  2. DO NOT PUT SALT IN THE PUPS FOOD!!!!!!!!! geez some of the advice on here is scary, your pup will drink when it's thirsty, just make sure that the puppy can reach in the bowl, i always just leave fresh water available all the time for pups, i never give milk
  3. Bit of an animal theme going there, What about Pipkins? Hartley hare, Topoff the monkey? Nope lol but watched the herb garden with parsley the lion does anyone remember that Jimmy and the magic flute hated that, loved the magic roundabout though
  4. Then my other must watches were.......Skippy, Flipper and Black Beauty
  5. Follyfoot, Wasn't that the one with Compo, or a Dead Ringer for him in it? Some horsey place. That's the one
  6. Saturday morning telly for me was Champion the wonder horse then The whirlie birds does anyone remember Follyfoot? loved that too
  7. vixen


    I dont know if there is any snow forecast for around here, i really hope not, it's beautiful to look at but i hate the grief it causes me trying to get to work
  8. Remember this http://en.wikipedia....of_Kriss_Donald burned alive for being white What a vile vile creature he is .............. http://www.dailyreco...n-baldy-1083972
  9. Jehova witnesses dont intimidate or bully or look down on non jehovas as scum, you wouldn't be scared of going into an area overrun with jehova witnesses, they don't bring or wish harm to our children, they don't mind if we don't have their beliefs, big big difference No the c**ts chap your door at all hours they ram there religion down your throat. I'm only talking about this incident that has you all outraged, not everything Muslims have done. in this incident he muslim religeon has it's troll followers believe that they should be forcing us violently into submission to thei
  10. Jehova witnesses dont intimidate or bully or look down on non jehovas as scum, you wouldn't be scared of going into an area overrun with jehova witnesses, they don't bring or wish harm to our children, they don't mind if we don't have their beliefs, big big difference
  11. omg that is disgusting, bullies intimidating easy targets when clearly behind the camera there will be a gang of the mockit trolls, absolutely sickening everyone is quick to write that it needs stopped which i agree with but how??
  12. vixen

    Horror Films

    Forgot that one, real creepy ......... Cabin in the woods was rubbish
  13. vixen

    Horror Films

    I thought insidious was scary another one i found scary was The Grudge ......... an older one i absolutely love is Dog Soldiers
  14. Absolute clown, classic example of some of the eejits in the working dog world
  15. alright maybe hes no lol Did ye just feel like stirrin it a wee bit, ya bugger :laugh:
  16. You honestly believe that?????????? Why what has he said that is wrong?,we bred several times from dogs with bad mouths if you know the history of the dogs involved it can be done with success,IE if both dog and bitch have a history of bad mouths on both sides don't do it,KNOW YOUR BREEDING.Better a good pup with a bad mouth than a bad pup with a good one.You were quick to ridicule the man's opinion(at least he gave one)but did not give one of your own.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL SAID If you read the thread properly then you will see that Bigbear1990 asked a question......."would a b
  17. NOW.............that's a whole different ball game................where do i start :laugh:
  18. You honestly believe that?????????? Why what has he said that is wrong?,we bred several times from dogs with bad mouths if you know the history of the dogs involved it can be done with success,IE if both dog and bitch have a history of bad mouths on both sides don't do it,KNOW YOUR BREEDING.Better a good pup with a bad mouth than a bad pup with a good one.You were quick to ridicule the man's opinion(at least he gave one)but did not give one of your own.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL SAID If you read the thread properly then you will see that Bigbear1990 asked a question......."would a b
  19. You honestly believe that?????????? Why what has he said that is wrong?,we bred several times from dogs with bad mouths if you know the history of the dogs involved it can be done with success,IE if both dog and bitch have a history of bad mouths on both sides don't do it,KNOW YOUR BREEDING.Better a good pup with a bad mouth than a bad pup with a good one.You were quick to ridicule the man's opinion(at least he gave one)but did not give one of your own.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL SAID If you read the thread properly then you will see that Bigbear1990 asked a question......."would a b
  20. mbdt..........i had a little chocolate patterdale she was a cracking wee earthdog, if you want a choc patt then get one don't listen to any of the negative comments on here, you have to feed it and work it no one else, we all have a preference with everything in life same as the rockets on here that jump on someone for daring to ask a genuine question, anyone i know with patterdales does not charge any more or any less for colour in a litter, so get your choc patt and goodluck with it
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