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Everything posted by vixen

  1. Hasn't made a bit of difference to any bitch i've ever had neutered
  2. In my opinion anyone who lets their dog cover ANY bitch is as bad as a puppy farmer, a stud dog should only be used on a bitch with equal qualities to the dog, anything else will just bring the name and repute of the dog down, why bring problems into a line??? if people are happy with their dog they should keep the lines tight, mass produced or over used stud dogs is down to money and when this happens dishonesty comes to the fore......................... A pedigree is only as honest as the man/woman that wrote it !!!!!
  3. Fascinating .............now i dont know what to believe , after reading some of the facts and seeing more videos it's totally turned my opinion round .............worrying
  4. sorry to hear about your dog grant, i hope you get her back
  5. in the numbers game you are not going to hear about the crap that is bred out of these "good studs" , you will only hear of the few good bred out them, in a tightly kept gene poole it is controlled and you dont have half the country running around saying that their crap dog/bitch is out of ..............whatever
  6. vixen


    go to the pic you want to use, scroll over it and a wee box will drop down with options, click on the img one and it will say copied........then go to where you want to post it and right click and paste, hope this helps
  7. i played the accordion when i was young, very hard to play but a lovely instrument, i had a 120 bass waltzmaster, haven't played one for a long long time lol
  8. There is a fine line to tread when running a hunting site, a closed vouched for site is no safer than an open site but has the advantage of being moderated and controlled better, whereas a more commercialised site that relies on threads and posts for revenue is compromised in how the site is run, eg; threads and posts which are damaging get locked rather than deleted therefore keeping the post numbers up, on other smaller sites the offensive threads would be deleted immediately. Just because a site only allows vouched for members doesn't mean it is full of idiots or illegal posts whereas
  9. Hiya........ankle still very sore, so i'm a crabbit auld swine (whats new then) :laugh: ..............thanks for asking
  10. Thats what i intend to do mate, but i think im gonna struggle with a lot of things that i actually came on here to find out. Like how and where do i obtain permission to lamp and does my dog need to be trained to look down the down etc? But i havent been at all taken seriously. I probably would of if i lied about the breed of my dog though.And i doubt a few pics of my dog with a few rabbits will do anything other than initiate another load of people having a go at me for the type of dog ive got anyway. But that is what ill do mate just go and have fun with your wee dog and dont take
  11. I'm guessing betty was absolutely fine and so was the other dog when betty was producing puppies?? You are to blame for the dog biting the woman as your dog was completely out of control, not the woman for hitting it when it was on its own first time round!! You also want the dog rehomed when it is clearly a difficult dog for yourself to control? you expect someone else to take the poor dog with all its bad habits which are not the dogs fault, then you say it would make a good working dog?????????? it's 8yrs old for godsakes,,,,,poor bloody dog is all i can say!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. me and carreg might pop over with my lurchers, should be a laugh as none of them have ever raced before
  13. thanks for that, i think i should have read more about it today before i thought a nice wee walk round blaenllechau would be ok , i didn't realise how serious the injury is, well anyhow i think i might be back to the crutches as my ankle is agony tonight
  14. Came down to wales to go to a family wedding with my fiance two weeks ago and i'm still here, just got plaster cast off my leg and have crutches, i'm not allowed to put my foot down or drive. I had a sore ankle two weeks prior to coming down, which just happened out running with my dogs, and it got worse, went to hospital down here and they told me i have Achilles Tendonitis, have any of you had this and how long did it take to get better? any info appreciated thanks
  15. vixen


    bet it don't and the stinking drunk gobby bitch knows that, white people dont seem to pull the race card like they should, or maybe they are scared to incase they are called racist.........funny how non whites are always too eager to pull the racist card!!!!!!!!!
  16. was a good show.........well chuffed at my young bitch getting 1st in rough bitch over 24"
  17. If this question is for me then i use my Oster clippers size 5 blade and tidy round the feet and bum with scissors............if the question is not for me sorry for jumping in
  18. did anyone really doubt oor Nessie
  19. bedlingtons are brilliant wee dogs, if the coat is starting to get matted and tatty as it will probably be changing to the adult coat then i would clip it down, as for the beddy x whippet coat i dont have a problem with my dogs' and i clip him down regular and it always comes back good as new Clipped down.......... Back to normal...........
  20. It's always hard when the time comes for the old dogs, i'm a firm believer in letting them go when they are suffering or are just too weak and frail to do anything, it's not fair on the dog or the owner, your old girl had a lovely life and an owner who obviously cares for his dogs, a few year back i had to have 2 of my oldies pts together as one was 15yr old and taking strokes and the other was blind and used the 15yr old as a guide to go everywhere, he would have been totally disorientated without her so it was kinder to have both oldies pts, it's always heartbreaking but kinder to let them g
  21. I must appologise old chap, I was merely expressing some defence (and a small request for some sympathy) for the Gentleman's Origin. He / They cannot be held responsible entirely for their predicament! Ken fita mean? yir haverin !! Jist tryin ti fit in wi fit they're eest ti :laugh: eh naw thur no eye they ur naw thur no.....so haud yer wheesht
  22. I must appologise old chap, I was merely expressing some defence (and a small request for some sympathy) for the Gentleman's Origin. He / They cannot be held responsible entirely for their predicament! Ken fita mean? yir haverin !! Jist tryin ti fit in wi fit they're eest ti :laugh: eh naw thur no
  23. I must appologise old chap, I was merely expressing some defence (and a small request for some sympathy) for the Gentleman's Origin. He / They cannot be held responsible entirely for their predicament! Ken fita mean? yir haverin !!
  24. ocht yi jist dont ken whit yer oan aboot chartpolski
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