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Everything posted by vixen

  1. now thats very nice vixen beauty. atb bunnys. Thank you bunnys.........she is growing rapid
  2. I'll add my tuppence worth here........................i will not take anything to do with this magazine since they caused a massive carryon over a midland game fair ticket that chartpolski mentioned earlier, i will not buy their mag or attend any gamefair holding a show or championship related to them. over the years my borders have qualified for the larger game fair championships up and down the country and over the years i have put an ad up on Moochers to give away the free tickets you get when you qualify as personally i dont attend many shows (regardless to what some think ), i have give
  3. Love the smell of Elderflower and also the smell of nettles
  4. Hi there my bitch did not catch kennel cough when pregnant with pups she got it three weeks after giving birth do not get me wrong she was still feeding them . look mate i have had pms from 2 other people who had the same problems off the same lines 1 man cant sell his pups the other had to get two put down for the same reasons . In that case then the guy with the stud dog should not be using him if he is aware of these problems BUT if people keep going to him for the use of his dog and he allows them then it is still not his problem when the pups are born ill or deformed, people need
  5. unfortunately not all litters go to plan when breeding...........you should never count your chickens or get kids involved when breeding a litter as anything can happen as you sadly found out, i definately do not blame the stud dog in this case (UNLESS HE HAS PRODUCED PUPS WITH THIS PROBLEM BEFORE) , the guy with the stud gave you the mating and the bitch did produce pups, this is the hard truth so is nothing to do with him. if this was the bitches first litter the problem could be from her side!! personally i would blame the kennel cough as kennel cough does kill unborn puppies and can cause
  6. Yes but remember a puppy can have a congenital heart murmur and grow out of it and it will completely disappear, more serious heart murmurs are not determined till a few years down the line. Any dog i've known with a (not serious) murmur has lived a good normal life (working/pet) with no problems, but if it was one of mine i would want the murmur graded, grade 1 & 2 are not serious
  7. This is my 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhound, same sire as my dhgh x dhgh puppy in other pic
  8. Just thought i would throw in a wee pic of my dh gh x dh gh pup.........any excuse for a puppy pic
  9. Thanks bolster, lurcher 300 & scarecrow,
  10. them brambles really are the ultimate test Not brambles.......legitimate terrier work,,, a couple of pics of cracking pups and all this ............... f**k them rabbits must be grumpy c**ts where you are :laugh:
  11. them brambles really are the ultimate test Not brambles.......legitimate terrier work,,, a couple of pics of cracking pups and all this ...............
  12. a dog that you kennel you mean. I dont see some old woman digging deep.... en Your getting desperate now paul...........i bred it , i worked it, granted i didn't dig the holes!!
  13. outstanding gait and facial features...............one of mine
  14. Now Paul lets not go there .................i know how much digging you weren't doing even when you had terriers did you Amazing how someone ive never met is telling me what i have and have not done. your either a very ex mrs or a stalker. Go make your coco and get to bed its pension day tomorrow, nite nite Hey paul i see you are still living the lie.....err life ........wait , before you go to bed lets talk about the jabs you bumped too
  15. i'll say again........................NONE OF THESE PUPS ARE FOR SALE OR WILL BE SOLD
  16. Now Paul lets not go there .................i know how much digging you weren't doing even when you had terriers
  17. Already done my homework and i know the full story....................you bumped the guy for a dog........end of
  18. That's not what the fella who sourced it for you said..............oh dear i cant imagine bumping someone for a dog
  19. None of these pups are for sale as will all be going free of charge to friends of the breeder................northern lad ,thanks they are mostly my lines which go back to lottisland/lyndhay/otterkin TUFFTY.............cant think what you would actually know about any dog and did you ever get round to paying for that black and white bull you had?????????
  20. Not in the least airgunguy lol.......i've already got their dad, grandad and cousin so definately dont need another just now
  21. Definately not lol..........if i had room i'd of had one for sure though
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