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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. ill have to get upto toton and if some of the fish survive then i suppose the water must be ok although i certanly wont be munching on them :sick:
  2. i was told something about that from a bloke at work, do you know where abouts? and im with you about the water quality, but is it not just the bottom next to attenborough where the water goes crap?
  3. sounds like a good idea, there's a similar method in carp fishing where you use liquid attractors and half boilies instead of blended fish
  4. thanks for you replys lads but i need to be within traveling distance due to family obligations. do you think if i rang round local game keepers that i might be able get some kind of job working with them?
  5. if your on about me then im living in wollaton at the moment, and to be honest if i got some crayfish id f**k the trout off and eat them
  6. do any of you know of a game keeping collage around nottinghamshire or south yorkshire? ive been on the internet but couldnt find anything. i was doing bricklaying but since the construction industry has died off i might as well do something that i want to do instead of doing something just for the money. if you see what i mean?
  7. how can being protective be a negative thing? would of thought that would be a good thing. Would be a good thing if you were getting attacked in your local park but if you are planning on using it beside other dogs then you might be left with a hefty vets bill or a vizsla with very sore ribs. fair enough
  8. i saw a thing on the internet off PREDITORS about kev green and some perch bloke doing the same. they covered the mags in perch magic then sprayed them in the water to attract silvers, then went in the dead bait. worked well too
  9. how can being protective be a negative thing? would of thought that would be a good thing.
  10. ive never seen anyone ground baiting for pike but if i was to try, id most likely chop a load of fish then mix it with something to help get the bait out and down to the bottom
  11. dont have a problem with mine...they do suffer a little in cold tho i can count on 1 hand the times ive seen them uncomfortable...maybe twice after a hard days rough shooting then night flighting duck in extreme cold weather.....i have a few vizslas... i dont see them being headstrong the young dog im working at the moment is a little pushy but thats drive more than stubborness....if you do go for a viz make sure you get one from a decent working home...there are a few breeders out there just pretending if you know what i mean..alot of the showyer strains aint worth feeding....mine tend to be
  12. the guy has said that they can take a long time to mature and that they are quite head strong, although i dont see that as a real problem. plus they can get cold if in water quickly due to short hair. i would much prefere a vizsla over anything else, but to be honest its because of there looks as i havent seen any work . by the way you have a couple of lovely looking dogs
  13. i think that the general opinion is that for your 1st its better to get a lab as they are easier to handle and train, spaniels are a bit more wired. i personaly would love a vizsla but have been recomended against getting one for now. but there are lots of helpfull people on here that will be able to help you out alot more than me as i havent even got my dog yet
  14. thats a great attitude to have dawn, i just wish more people had one like it
  15. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you! sound mate ill see if i can look them up on the old tinternet now You had any luck with finding some beating Kingfisher? no mate and the thing is, im planning on getting a dog in the next year or so, so i could do with the experience before hand will ask a mate chap before i give any ones info out check if its ok will let you know one way or another NOBS is definately worth £5, you register with your local rep and he/she will look for any vacancies in your area and email you t
  16. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you! sound mate ill see if i can look them up on the old tinternet now You had any luck with finding some beating Kingfisher? no mate and the thing is, im planning on getting a dog in the next year or so, so i could do with the experience before hand will ask a mate chap before i give any ones info out check if its ok will let you know one way or another thanks mate its appreciated
  17. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you! sound mate ill see if i can look them up on the old tinternet now You had any luck with finding some beating Kingfisher? no mate and the thing is, im planning on getting a dog in the next year or so, so i could do with the experience before hand
  18. Try Gunfield Vizslas, they live Nottinghamshire way, they may be able to help you! sound mate ill see if i can look them up on the old tinternet now
  19. what was the guy using? i wouldnt mind learning about that stuff
  20. i might get some of that for a back up plan, dont sound bad and a fiver aint much although i didnt read how big the tub was
  21. ive herd of them but never tried them, are they any good?
  22. ill be sure to take some along, its always good to have more than 1 bait.
  23. never even heard of it although i read an article in the angling times about a new wonder bait that will never be made comercialy available. comes in about 5 different types, you test the water with a litmus paper or something and whatever is missing, theres a corresponding bait that lets off a signal that fish will home straight in on. you dont even need to fire out any freebies. it will never be made though as there isnt enough money in course fishing to make it viable. and to be honest i dont think that id buy it even if they did sell it as it would take away all need for skill, even for
  24. i went there prepared to get on the float but the starlight let me down. serves me right for not cracking it before i left, but like i said before, its not a mistake ill make again but we live and learn, and theres always next week. and as it goes i quite enjoyed robsons program, looked like a right laugh
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