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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. were you trying to pull the wool over valley?
  2. ive heard there were trout in the erewash but i never expected to see one never mind catch one in the first 10 seconds of the first time on that stretch! im well chuffed, just wish i could of took a picture any pics kf good read mate no not yet valley, im going back for a longer session tomorrow to see what i can winkle out armed with my camera. i must of caught the trout from about a foot and half of water, im hoping its there tomorrow so i can put up a pic.
  3. no not yet, ive just ordered some snares so all i need to do is get some permission and im set. but the thing is im crap at knocking on doors so i might have to write a load of letters and post them through the letter boxes instead. where abouts you from? I am from sliverdale where's that? ive never heard of it well i'm over 6ft so i'm not a short kash, & silverdale is on the edge of clifton is it SILVERDALE or SLIVERDALE? as now im just confused
  4. no not yet, ive just ordered some snares so all i need to do is get some permission and im set. but the thing is im crap at knocking on doors so i might have to write a load of letters and post them through the letter boxes instead. where abouts you from? I am from sliverdale where's that? ive never heard of it
  5. ive heard there were trout in the erewash but i never expected to see one never mind catch one in the first 10 seconds of the first time on that stretch! im well chuffed, just wish i could of took a picture
  6. i thought id do a spot of chub fishing today, so when the missus got home from work at half one i quickly set off on the 15minute drive to the erewash, tackled up and started eyeing up possible swims. eventually i arrived at a swim that screamed chub. so i moulded the crumb into a couple of tangerine sized balls and threw them into water next to some half submerged tree branches, and started to fill the swim feeder when a splash came from where i had thrown the bait. now this got me excited knowing that there was definately fish in the area! :dance: so on went the bread flake and in went the
  7. no not yet, ive just ordered some snares so all i need to do is get some permission and im set. but the thing is im crap at knocking on doors so i might have to write a load of letters and post them through the letter boxes instead. where abouts you from? why dont you write something out in short and go to one of these business card printing machines and put them out never thought of doing that, but im short of kash [get it?] at the moment, so if i would have to wait a while before doing that
  8. pretty much everything fun seems to be illegal in this country
  9. no not yet, ive just ordered some snares so all i need to do is get some permission and im set. but the thing is im crap at knocking on doors so i might have to write a load of letters and post them through the letter boxes instead. where abouts you from?
  10. yeah like that 40lb carp i caught that looked like a 20
  11. you sure that was 3lb and not 1lb? and who's that ugly f****r messing up the pic?
  12. does any snarer in about a 30 drive from nottingham fancey showing me the ropes on snaring? if so pm me and ill get in touch with you, ill even carry your bag cheers kiy
  13. the morral of the story is, if your names kiy then dont plan anything then you wont be disapointed
  14. like your fishing Merry christmas Mate have a good one that was a bit uncalled for
  15. well that was supposed to be in big red bold writing but never mind things never seem to go to plan
  16. merry christmas and a happy new year!
  17. nice one! i love fishing for perch, one of my favourite fish. respect rude bwoy :clapping:
  18. im living in wollaton at the moment mate
  19. as soon as i get some spare cash im getting the dvd for sure, ive already have his details. i can see whats meant by "beats" now from your pics rolfe, which are the same as those in the drawings by glenn. ill have to look out for them when im in some fields again. it definatly makes things easier when the grass is long though ive read the articles a couple of times now and it was just the pics on the beats that i couldnt get but thanks for clearing things up for me lads if you were me and wanted to get permission would you tell the truth and say that you were a complete novice or s
  20. i was walking through some farmers fields down the side of the trent last week when i saw for the 1st time lines in the ground caused by rabbits. now im not going to pretend that it was down to any skill on my part as`it wasnt, most of the grass was about 5" tall so it was fairly easy to see them criss crossing and going through a wire fence, that and every now and again the odd scattering of rabbit droppings. but as i got used to seeing these and on a different field where the grass was very short 1-2" tall i started to see more lines on the ground, i had to look harder for these though and i
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