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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. go on the nobs website, they get you beating/picking up jobs although i joined a bit late and havent had anything
  2. come 6 weeks down the road it'll all be about the commercials
  3. thats a good idea, i think ill have to do that myself
  4. i just want to remind you all about the importance of being careful when on the river bank i was fishing one of my favourite stretches of the erewash when i tried to get a little closer to the water and i slipped on the mud and slid down into the water, luckily only my feet got wet and the river was small but had it been the trent things could of been very different. then about half hour later i was fishing a different swim, i got snagged up and started to pull hard to release my line when i looked up and saw power lines about 15 ft behind me. needless to say i stopped doing what i was doing
  5. oh right ive seen it a few times but never knew what it meant. you might be right about the warmer weather, too many fair weather rods out there nelson. its just that i thought it would be nice if some of the members met up for a chat and a joke.
  6. what does bump mean? sorry about not getting back sooner bill but ive been a bit busy, well if we can manage to get some lads together then its only right that a couple of quids involved. i know a great place at the bottom of the erewash where you cant help but catch on all but the coldest of days. but i know that not everyones from notts so if anyones got an idea then lets hear it
  7. So where on the Trent you thinking then Kingfisher? Any ideas? I should be able to make it for a few hrs work commiting {stupid bloody 4 on 4 off!} you got any suggestions? you know the place better than me.
  8. thats what i like to see nelson, confidence
  9. kingfisher, Me old mucker what cracking idea I dont fresh water myself but willing to give it ago, I'll be traveling from liverpool so I need directions or address for my tomtom And help with tactics on a strange water ( The best peg LOL ) When you thinking of doing this not sure nelson, im just running it past some members to see if anyones up for it. if we can get enough rods then it could be a good day
  10. i joined the site a couple of days ago, ive got to say that your a dead ringer for danny fairbrass though
  11. what you on abouy? its like the middle of august
  12. would anyone on here be interested on a huntinglife forum silvers fishing match?
  13. let us know how i comes on as id like to have a go myself,they look pretty straight forward
  14. you a mod on there? theres no pic, gut theres a guy on there with the biggest perch ive ever seen! ive walked past the lock up a small dirt path but i havent come to the wier
  15. any chance of the pic being put up on here? and stoke weir, is it left or right as you leave the ferry boat?
  16. Mal i have some pics somewhere from a beach fishing trip to Withernsea on the east coast.Line was freezing to the rings and all the bait we dug and pumped that day was frozen solid.I even ended up rescuing a Guilliemot ! I sometimes think us fishermen are mental,we go fishing in the worst of weather and lets be honest a lot of us go and freeze on a bank/beach somewhere knowing we are unlikely to catch too true
  17. rfyl i love your avatar! who needs porn when thats on my screen
  18. it seems to be the way, first time you do something you beat everyone else, then when you think you know it all you catch nothing
  19. nice work, im after some stuff like that myself but want to find a tattooist whats the dogs bollocks first
  20. fresh bread rain bbq andlongdogrunners lasses beath after shes given him a nosh
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