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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. ive got a whip from them and the quality isnt great but you get what you pay for. they have some nice looking tackle but to be honest i wouldnt really want to buy anything of value from mat hayes
  2. i agree that if you take on an animal then you have an obligation to take the best care you can of that animal, and if i was working ferrets then id have the locators as well as id not want to leave it in the field. sorry if ive come across as a bit of a nob and i think i should of re-worded the question as i wanted to know how you would get your ferts back without locators. any way my questions have been answered now so thanks, thank god for technology
  3. and you ask if a locator is needed would you write a terrier off, if it did'nt come out of a hole, or are they worth more of course not but like i said is there a way of getting them to come out? ie leaving some bait in a cage. i mean how did people get them back before locators were invented? im pretty sure they wernt around a couple of hundred years ago. anyway never mind, its hard to get a straight answer off some people.
  4. and to the rest of you guys that answered my question, thanks. i havent got or really want any ferts but it was just a question as i like to know these things. i understand that if you want to keep your ferret and save yourself a lot of hard work then you need them but is there another way of getting them back (leaving food in a cage) or would you have to write the ferret off if it didny come out?
  5. right then nobo, it was a question. i asked because people have had ferts before finders came out, so think before you make stupid comments :wankerzo4:
  6. i was walking through some fields the other day and my mind turned to ferrets while i was looking at some beats and i was wandering if ferret finders are really nessasary as they are quite expensive?
  7. looks like someones smoked a bit too much bud
  8. i was going to say no way they are 7lb plus then i saw them hanging and changed my mind they dont look that size in the bottom of the boat but they do when hanging up is it a heavily stocked water mate coz thier tails are all like thier fresh stockies or in a heavilystocked water,,,all the same nice fish and werth the trip well done nut come on son, your not trying to dispute the weights of someones capture are you? not after that perch episode??? " right after a phone call and a recieved phonecall back a bag of sugar ways 3.1lb on the scales we used so red faces this end sorry lad
  9. i was going to say no way they are 7lb plus then i saw them hanging and changed my mind they dont look that size in the bottom of the boat but they do when hanging up is it a heavily stocked water mate coz thier tails are all like thier fresh stockies or in a heavilystocked water,,,all the same nice fish and werth the trip well done nut come on son, your not trying to dispute the weights of someones capture are you? not after that perch episode??? " right after a phone call and a recieved phonecall back a bag of sugar ways 3.1lb on the scales we used so red faces this end sorry lad
  10. just pm woodga and he'll send you the details
  11. ye, felt alot better catching that than catching them out the proper lakes. I've got all the carp gear but i think its a lot more fun just taking a rod down wi just a bit of spare tackle in a bag. your right there lad, nice fish too.
  12. Hes a ZANDER cant get my other pics up yet hes a pike aswell you must be one ugly dude to be hiding your face like that
  13. bloody hell, is that danny fairbrass holding that barbel? i wouldnt mind having a go for the grayling, but to be honest im not fussed about what i get as long as im by the water freezing my balls off. i was out today but didnt get a knock
  14. i knew that really, i was only testing you at least i know how to do it now, the only problem is theres pics of my chub all over this post now
  15. how did you do that? when i tried to use the add image button it wouldnt work for me. i f****n hate computers! there only good for watching porn on
  16. ta da! here it is! i was trying to paste the wrong one
  17. They do!!!! You copy and paste the bottom link. i tried that and i ended up with a message sayin that they dont allow links to there. but im gonna have another go
  18. well there would of been a pic if admin allowed links to photobucket :wallbash: :wallbash:
  19. heres my 1st trent chub and new pb! at 4lb 4oz its not a monster but it beats my other pb by 1lb, so get in
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