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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. mint pike mate, wouldnt mind one of those myself
  2. let me tell you about cat meat and how the big roach on my local lake love the stuff! ive had them up to and around 2lb no carp on it yet though. but i used luncheon meat fried up with some turmeric on one of my association waters, absolutley beautiful place but rock hard, carp in 30's pike in 20's and id only ever caught once and that was some new born skimmers! that was until last saturday when i used the meat and i caught 2 small carp around 3-4 lb and got snapped by something big! dont ask me how big cos i dont know but i like to think it was at least a 40 pounder now i hear you sayi
  3. have a look on n.o.b.s thats the national organisation of beaters and pickers up they should put you in the right direction
  4. sound mate if you can be bothered id appreciate it. ive been to two willow garth and grange farm. grange farm was good caught a carp a chuck but it was a bit too easy if you know what i mean
  5. does any one here know of an angling associations in doncaster with a decent amount of water besides doncaster and district aa? im moving up from nottingham in the near future and have been spoilt for choice by nottingham aa and although donny aa represents amazing value for money there only seems to be running water and no still. any suggestions would help cheers!
  6. do you usually have to pay to shoot on some ones land?
  7. is it better to keep a working dog outside? i was just wandering cos im thinking about getting one when i move to use on shoots
  8. nice fish mate still got to get on the river yet myself. where you catch it?
  9. it,ll be a while yet til i get one so ill have to look into to it abit more. the other consideration is my little boy but you get good and bad tempered dogs in any breed
  10. i watched a program on tv a while back and it was saying that rabbit depleats nutrients in your body some how thats why if you ate nothing but rabbit you would die.
  11. cheers grim that does. im new to this so just trying to find out whats what
  12. would a sprung? rifle be any good for rabbits etc (killing them that is) lol or does it have to be co2
  13. would anyone here recomend a lab as a first working dog cos was at game fair when i woman that trains retrevers etc said that they would be a good 1st to start with as springers are a bit to hyper
  14. little touchy are we? sorry i miss understood thought you were having a go :oops:
  15. yeah i saw the link it was funny as f*ck and i know evey ones fed up with being asked the same question but i really want to help you reach that 3,000,000 mark so here it is WHATS BETTER .177 OR .22??? :11:
  16. timelord that was joke ill make sure i look through all the topics before i ask a question in the future sorry
  17. i take it that this question is asked alot
  18. could anyone tell me whats better for shooting rabbits and pigeons a .177 or .22 plus is a spring powered or co2 better? THANK YOU!
  19. cheers fellas i went out last night with a torch and got loads! out again tonight for some more. nah times arnt that hard but was just wandering what they taste like cos a while back i was fishing a canal when some old bloke who lives on a narrow boat was saying to me that he likes to eat them and tried getting me to get him one.
  20. does anyone know where the best place to find worms is? i tried the washing up liquid aproach earlier but all i got was about 3 tiny ones which were no good for anything. plus does anyone know what perch or roach taste like,just interested like.....
  21. thanks guys ill have to get a bit of practice in before i do it for real.
  22. could anyone tell me if shooting pigeons with a catapult is a viable way of hunting them as i cant afford a decent air rife at the moment and what catty would you suggest? THANK YOU!
  23. does anyone know of any shoots/gamekeepers that i can contact in the nottinghamshire/derby area to go beating? :wallbash:
  24. hi im wanting to get into hunting and was wandering if anyone had any suggestions on a good method to start? thanks
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