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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. I've never seen the atraction in catching small river trout for sport. I was flicking through trout and salmon the other day and they were catching brownies no bigger than your hand. Theres a stream by me that has loads of them in this size, perhaps I should charge folk to fish It, could even show them were there Is some nice spots too that hold a bigger fish or 2 Got any good spots edjay on the rivers were you can catch some proper sized fish You could easy charge people if you were allowed to fish it I don't think Joe public would be too happy if he were paying a premium to fish
  2. ar those rainbows in that picure? if so fly fishing is very good but once i tried WILD fly fishing, well that's better still! fishing for wild fish is much harder than firing lures into a stocked fishery where all the trout are idiots! once you've mastered fishry fishing move on to fishing WILD rivers and lakes for WILD brown trout, grayling and sea trout. wild fish are a lot more crafty! come Mackem tell them the rod was a prop. I have fished for 35 years and have fished pretty much every type of fishing from hand lines, bamboo canes, spears, bow and arrow, all types of rods from
  3. harris angling you say? i knew that really ill have a look now. went on the river today for a few hours dint get any chub though, just some small bits and bobs
  4. are these from a specific shop or can i get them from any decent angling store?
  5. i was thinking about doing some sneaky rabbit trapping/snaring what would you recomend i try? ive never done anything like this before so simplest would probably ( not sure thats spelt right) be best.
  6. i mixed stilton, danish blue and pastry and it smells lovely! you could roll it out and use it as a base for a flan or something. im taking sprats cos i watched a program on the internet telling us how chub are predatory. he was catching them on lamprey, steak and some fish that i cant remember. i know pike could be a problem so im saving the sprat for last
  7. well im taking my made with loving care cheese paste, mags, bread crust, and spratts, so one of them must work and if they dont im gonna get the dynamite out and blow the fuckers to shit!
  8. right then lads and lasses im going chubbing tomorrow and using cheese paste for the first time and could do with some advice on how to fish it e.g. tactics, what to loose feed ,best way to keep it on hook etc. plus im going to try sardines (meant to get makeral) do you think these will work?
  9. definately a ginger..spice of some sort nah its axle rose
  10. err i think ive changed my mind mackem
  11. bring on the pics! when i finaly get my phone camera fixed ill have to get some of my catches on and show you all how to go on lol
  12. couldnt put a price on them but sounds like you had a good day mate nice one
  13. f**k it, as soon as i get some spare money im gonna get some kit and give it a go, only problem is i cant find many places to fly fish round my end.
  14. just wanted to say that pubs is great! posted a message saying i wanted to try beating and within about 3-4 days was offered a chance to do it but ended up having to decline cos of work commitments. but never mind eh. great site lads :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
  15. before i started course fishing i wanted to fly fish but didnt cos of the cost of a days fishing and the lack of places to fish in and around nottingham we're not lucky enough to have a salmon and trout river round my way you see but im moving to south yorkshire soon and am hoping that there is more opportunity for fishing the fly up there but until then im more than happy catching course fish. just out of interest though, if you could compare the way a salmon and trout fight to a course fish what would it be?
  16. mind you if i worked in fishing the last thing i would want to do is sit on my arse and catch some on my days off.
  17. you what? you ever caught carp or barble? they put up a nice fight. can see what you mean about sitting around all day though, but theres nothing stopping you from roving about, stalking, spinning etc. then theres tecniques like the pellet waggler and the bagging waggler which keep you very busy and reward you for that effort
  18. still never caught a pike yet, but im gonna start this fishing for them this year, one that size will do for starts
  19. was just wandering what the lure of fly fishing is and why someone would pay such large amounts of money to fish just a couple of species of fish?
  20. it is it would be even better if you could catch the damn fish! lol
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