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Everything posted by kingfisher

  1. bollocks, how is carp fishing more of a skill than general course fishing? yeah there are skills and tecniques you need to learn when carp fishing but are you trying to say that you dont need to find drop offs,weed beds and bars when course fishing? of course you do! and if we're going into skill then how many carp anglers do you see that can trot down a river? shot a float properly and infact fish any other method other than ledgering???
  2. yeah, i tell you what, after i did it i was so happy the computer didnt break or the missus would of had my balls lol
  3. thank god the laptop still works
  4. f**k me, he'd make short work of your furniture
  5. You don't have to see the trainer every week. A good trainer will give you some lessons to do between each session. As I lived a long way away from the person I wanted to train with he gave me enough info to last me & the dog a month before we seen him next. You can of course use the books / dvd & then go to the trainer if you hit a problem. (that always cheers them up!!!) lol i bet!
  6. id like to take him to a trainer but id only be able to take him every 2 weeks as im signing on at the mo, would that be enough or does he need to go every week? ill look up those books/dvd for now though. we went for a walk down wollaton park today and let him off his lead....BIG MISTAKE! he ran off chasing the geese, caught a crow by the arse and carried him around for a while the jumped in the lake and swam for about 5 mins chasing more geese! all the time im calling his name and looking like a right muppet eventually he came back soaking wet and very smelly :sick: all i can say is that
  7. hey! that was my next question lol, i dont really want to touch his tail, so im glad to hear he should be ok. hes starting to settle in now so im pleased with that too. ive been advised that cockers dont take disaplin (?) to well so im taking a soft aproach and just being firm when needed
  8. he has basic training like a house pet and comes when called, sits etc. ill be getting a long lead in a couple of days but will focus on walking to heal and basic sit commands until i get the lead. he hasnt been docked, is it really nessesary to have this done? and is there a age limit where after you cant do it?
  9. hi all, ive just got a 1yr old cocker and need some advise on how to train him for the beating line. i took him for a walk down the local nature reserve when we got home and ive never seen a dog so mental before! he was running in and out of the thickest bushes, jumping in the water without giving it a second thought (shame he wasnt the same going in the bath) and generaly acting like he had a rocket up his arse. i was expecting a hyper dog but f**k me this dogs on speed! anyway any advise will be good, like is it ok for me to feed him raw meat/offal? as ive herd it better for the dog
  10. Hope so, off to Sheepy Lake (Sheepy Magna) on Saturday after my shift.... wheres that?
  11. i was watching the tv show countrywise tonight when part of it was dedicated to a group of boaters wanting to open up part of the avon between stratford and warwick to boats, now this according to the group (cant find a link for them yet) means a lot of dredging and replacing some very nice looking wiers with locks! :realmad: i dont live anywhere near the avon so dont have a real need to be up in arms about this but i think it would be a real shame to spoil what looks like a perfect fishing setting just for some canal boat infusiasts (yeah i know its not spelt right) what can get between stra
  12. come then, the weathers better the carp are getting easier so lets get it sorted!
  13. that pike spearing was f****d UP! did you see the 1st one? it was still alive one the spear while he was talking to the camera! the least he should of done was banged it on the head... even though i didnt like the way the fish were treated i still enjoyed the episode. on the subject of antis, if they form their opinions or arguments around that geordie twat then more fool them, and if they had any sort of inteligence then they would look at mags and come on forums to see how real anglers and hunters go about their sport and the respect they have for their quarry. cant wait for the next in
  14. there is no closed season on stillwater and canals but if the still water is run by the council/nationl trust etc then check just in case
  15. watching that made me want to get up to canada and have a crack at some sturgeon myself no need to go that far....my mate caught a 14lb one at hornsea mere whilst piking about a yr ago! lol. 14 lb? f**k that i want a 300lber!
  16. watching that made me want to get up to canada and have a crack at some sturgeon myself
  17. how did i know there would be a topic about robson green and XTREME FISHING! ive got agree that the guys a cock but i think he must of been hamming it up for the cameras and to be honest i wouldnt mind wetting a line with him as you'd have a right laugh.
  18. your right droid and we did stray off the subject abit (well i did anyway, the term soapbox comes into mind lol) and ill have a inspection on weds mark
  19. My rods new are £230 but i got 4 x second hand for £440 which i think was a bargain Carp fishing is my hobby and that is where my money goes, still i dont drink or gamble and the bills are paid that is a bargain if you look at it like that but i dont see how tackle companys can charge sutch extortionate prices. take the new basia tornament, £600 is it? for a reel! yeah it'll be the very best quality and it wants to be for that price, but surely it wont cost that much to produce. my view is that they charge that much because they know that carpers are daft enough to pay it, when you th
  20. they have brought out a new range of rods for over £300. now id never pay that much for a rod even if i could afford it but when you get into that price bracket your contending with hardys and prestons etc and with a £300 rod comes the prestige (spelling) and cudos of the brand that you wont get with tf gear
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