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Everything posted by scott12

  1. hi i would take him off you if you dont want him. i am a taxidermist in ireland but have friends coming over to me in january. could you keep him frozen till them
  2. hi lads just wondering about spun nylon. do you need to double knot spun nylon? i was thinking of using 8 ,10 or 12 z nylon. i have always made my nets out of hemp, but want to change to nylon. i dont want to use 4z because i have always found them troublesome in the field so was thinking that a 10z would give me the same quailtys as hemp. would like to here all your views as i am comfussed at what material to buy.
  3. small ferrets(we call them fidges) are great for hunting six hole buries. they are that small that it is difficult for them to kill in so therefore you get more rabbits bolting .
  4. lads i am trying to find out the breaking strain of hemp used in purse nets .i have located some hemp twine but the desciption says it is 20lb . is that strong enough for making purse/long nets. can't test it out myself because my nets at the moment aren't made from hemp.
  5. hi lads , just wondering how many nets (purse-3'6'') can you make out of 250g of 3-ply hemp.
  6. hi, i am wondering if jute is as good of hemp for making purse nets .Has anyone ever used jute before, if so could you give me feed back...thanks
  7. Hi lads, I have decided to make my own purse nets . I want to make them out of hemp. I see alot of usa twine dealers selling a low prices compared to here, but what type of twine do I buy ..i.e. what breaking strain,thickness,and how many ply. If anyone has any answers for me then that would be great.
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