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About diggory

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I used to dig with a lad that had a dog and bitch. These "pointless" terriers were mustard. 1/8 staff 7/8 border. Reasonably steady and not overly suicudal . Back in the early eighties. Sadly The lad never took any pictures.but I do have fond memories of these two.
  2. Thanks for reminding me why I dint get in here more often ?
  3. Anyone fish up there this year.
  4. Anyone owned /worked/got any pictures of such a cross. Tia.
  5. the old dogs started to piss in his sleeping box. Any hints/tips to stop him doing this Tia ps his box is roughly 3ft x20 inch.
  6. Very interesting mate. Thanks for sharing
  7. A minks just killed all the chickens. My bitch flushed him from under the shed. I set up a live catch trap. It's the old waiting game now
  8. RIP Arthur. Had the pleasure of hunting several times with him. And he made the fell and moorland meetings at high am highly entertaining !
  9. No doubt swelled the next edl March
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