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Everything posted by FERRETBOY

  1. Here's mine I will be running next season, hes 5 months now.
  2. Hes doing sound mate. Full of energy, likes to use his nose. Recall is bang on and stands 23tts. I will get him out a couple times before seasons over if I slow down with gem.
  3. Bud goes ferreting .. NEW VID https://youtu.be/5Dsod8aT_vs good hunting rew
  4. She's a lovely bitch I hope you get her back.
  5. I was hoping you might need a hand mate and I will help you out. Or I could just stand about filming and making a good little film for the armchair hunters to watch.
  6. Well done Jim, I must admit I enjoy speed ferreting a lot. Even though I don't do much of it and prefer to let the dogs have the sport and the rabbits get a sporting chance of escape too.. It does make me wonder though how many nets you put down over the day to catch that amount. Like nottz mentioned ryan is a good lad and has invited us out a couple time on his permission. Im slightly jealous hes been out with simon whitehead and you pair in two weeks. Lucky sod.
  7. It was such an enjoyable night, knowing we had 5-6 hours to take our time. Rabbits were clued up and made some great escapes. One managed to run a hedge line, run rings around a tree and then back down hedge line to turn back and repeat it all again and getting away. I was happy with gems performance but lass was on form. Steady retrieves after every catch. Dogs eventually tired around half 4, both dogs would have done alot more had they physically been prepared for it. Hopefully hit the ton before season ends.
  8. You got long left in Ireland? Its something I would like to go and do. Well done for getting out.
  9. 24th August Fuji. Hows he doing anyway?
  10. Must be the saluki in the breeding lol keep up the hard work. They will come good I'm sure.
  11. Fly was only 21tts and weighed 30lb. So don't worry they will reach 23-24 without a problem. I been adding brown bread, rice and pasta to help bulk them and abit of lard each day. My pup wont l listen at all around other dogs but when its just him by himself then he listens.
  12. She's looking gd jax. Fly was the same as a pup, very lean. Buds only 37lb, I been giving him plenty of brown bread and bits of lard in his dinners aswell. Thanks for sharing vid, what camera you using?
  13. 25 tts,maybe 26. Hes just 22tts atm but his brothers 23 already. Thanks flacko I'm well pleased with him. We are going ferreting on Sunday so will keep you posted.
  14. I took Bud down the field today to see whether he would retrieve a teddy. Heres a link to see how he got on. I think I give him kisses far to much. Im going to end up with worms soon if I haven't got them already. lol https://youtu.be/CBiTQ_E8mzs
  15. 20 week old now. I'm going to take him ferreting at the weekend. It will be interesting seeing what he does if we net one.
  16. Thanks guys. Well trying to look on the bright side and at least I still have bud and will do my best to make sure he achieves my expectations. Here's a pic of bud from today.
  17. Still been getting out and its helped take my mind of things.
  18. thanks fellas. I haven't had much luck at all but thankfully I kept a red dog pup back as well. Glad I did now too.
  19. Im sad to say Our little June died on boxing day. She was hit by a car when i was on my way out for a walk with the dogs. Heres a little vid showing the last footage I had of her. So not a great Christmas at all but getting out has helped take my mind of things a little. https://youtu.be/Gziu1ykP84w
  20. I haven't had much time this season because every spare bit of time I have concentrated on taking gem out. Got a few vids but need to edit them. Will try upload one next week. Nice dog spanna,
  21. Just weighed and measured pups. June is 19tts and 26lb Bud is 21tts and 32lb
  22. Not sure Frankel, last Tim I checked was two weeks ago. Dog pup was 28lb and 20tts and bitch pup was 23lb and 17tts. Now they are 16 and abit weeks.
  23. Yes mate I'm keeping both, I just need to spend abit more time one to one with each pup. They are just lunatics together. Which is great when you want to watch them chase each other. That WA they can exercise each other. I think these will be favourable on my local walks with a mix of small and large fields with hedges
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