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Everything posted by FERRETBOY

  1. Was a long night. That first spot was terrible, maybe it was just the not so good conditions but we killed a few hours walking that land. However lass did make a great catch ( would you like me to upload the vid) That's two places he's recommended that have been crap lol I think hes getting his info of Wikipedia lol. Was a good night though even if we did get in at 6. Not much getting away from lass.
  2. shes got a few more nights left in her but she fecks the rabbits up. thanks
  3. Great night again dude. Dogs ran well, fly did her best and lass shown what a good dog she has turned into. Chuffed with the result even though the big 20 was on the horizon but calling it early wasn't a bad decision. Thanks to witton for filming and carry the catch. Couple of clips http://youtu.be/rYtDbbBwVhE http://youtu.be/r3_vh-j1jyE good hunting rew
  4. 61 is a spot on night, good effort from the dogs. Need some footage of them now. Warm night I thought, the rain certainly picked things up around here. well done gents
  5. Enjoyable read. well done to you both. nice bitch
  7. lets decide when we get there. I have just had to replace the suspension. don't fancy it again. lets get it on, ready when you are dude.
  8. I don't mind picking you up tomo but im not driving up them dales like you do. im off next week for three days, let me know when.
  9. Before we even left I was looking at her thinking the same thing Tomo. She more than ready for a lamp on the dales. Do you fancy it soon because I would like to see how well Fly does and I know Nottzhunter wants to give lass a good testing night. It would be good to add onto this dvd I want to make, maybe we could go for the 100.
  10. It was a brilliant night again. IMO Lass was running the best I have seen so far and picking up some fast rabbits. It was a shame that the lamp failed us because a big score looked promising had we had chance to try more than 3 places. Never mind it was fantastic night having a laugh. Heres the first run and first catch of the night. http://youtu.be/qirNYYMNgAU good hunting rew
  11. Nice one mate. My own bitch will be 8 in march. Would be interesting to see how many she catches on the dales now.
  12. well done that dog. I thought my bitch had it hard with missing toes. How old is he?
  13. I been selling some of mine to the reptile shop but then again the dog my cousins works doesn't really mark them and I can skin them and sell for £3 each.
  14. Let me know when your going again vin and I will keep you company. BTW I have another battery now so more filming time.
  15. dogs will get plenty of light through that roof and I wasn't keen on the idea of losing the window but you didn't lose any light plus you can watch the dogs whilst your cooking. If he sticks up some FHM posters then I will clean his dogs out for him.
  16. well done to the dog. If he can catch with three legs, he must have been bloody good with 4. I don't think many people read the working lurcher write ups section on here. nice work
  17. Great read smithie. I remember the feeling I caught two rabbits from one 50yrs quickset when going by myself for the first time. the hedge I was netting could have been 150 -200 yards long so I picked somewhere around the middle. Didn't have anything until the last section of netting. I would love the chance to go somewhere that has a good number of rabbits. Been reading a book called the Victorian poacher and he talks of 100 hares leaving a wood and getting 20 in the nets. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but imagine the places that hold such numbers. Well done anyway pal.
  18. All of them look like they couldn't catch a flea aha that's why its handy to have such a beast. however it would be great to see them working. How is yours bred willow?
  19. stick a tenner in your van and we go in that. Lets go to the dales first and pick it up on way back.
  20. Even better im partially blind in one eye and struggle to read small writing or I send a copy of the ticket. It is only £25 BUT im tighter than the bolts on a submarine.
  21. Heres one of the catches, you can see how foggy it was and decent enough retrieve.
  22. Any pics of lurchers that you wouldn't be able to tell they had sighthound blood by looking at them but handy all rounders.
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