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Everything posted by assasin8or

  1. i have just brout this gun for said price and am and was happy to pay this it is emaculate so thanks badgerboy plesure so when we gonna meet up for them pigeons then lol
  2. how much bad luck can you get sounds like one of them bullshit posts just to get a reaction :sick:
  3. cheeky bugger start your own post
  4. hi guys i have got loads of rasberys this year and would like a good recipe to make jam i have never done it before so hope you can tell me what ingrediants i need and how to make cheers
  5. hi and welcom great to see such keen youngsters the sport needs them :welcomeani:
  6. id say get a fly zapper in there mate dont want flys about you meat
  7. ive been using crows in my pigeon pattern for a while and it is supprising what a difference it makes obveiosly gives pigeons more confidance to see wery crows about ive also had a few extra crows when that land in a near by tree calling to the ones on the ground good luck with it mate atb
  8. get him to introduce him self in the new members section people will say hello and make him feel welcome
  9. i see what you mean would not have fed them or done enything else either but as you say they need water espicaly in that heat atb
  10. hi the run kennels were spotless as are all of his kennels and the dogs look well cared for the three labs and 2 springers all had water just cant see why the terriers didint i can understand it one day perhaps but not every morning though still not right the bowl was fixed to the run so was not knocked over
  11. i do alot of work for a large estate painting houses mainly we had to do one of the keepers houses last week and he has got three terriers in a run every day we went in they had know water in there bowl so we filled it so they could have a drink the keeper goes out at 5:00 am and dont come back till the afternoon when he noticed we had given the dogs the water he was not happy he said could we leave them alone poor dogs did he expect them to have no water in the hot wether we had last week was there a reason he left them dry i dont think that there is eny good reason do you if the
  12. if you work through agency , a money handleing company will pay you and take a cut of your wages , my public liability is included in the cut they take . i wouldnt recomend getting one to work through ageny , but it dunt hurt to ask the question when you get a start ........... good luck , get your cscs lev2 and lev3 asap , then as many tickets as you can get , cherry pickers , scissor lifts , tower scaffold shite like that . in agree with this man plus as said eirlier in post get a good accountant pays inthe long run as he if knows what he is doin he will get you money back for things
  13. hi guys hope you can help i have 8 tomato plants in my green house they are about 4 feet high and are warterd reguarly the only problem it they have gou hardly eny flowers on them why is this eny tips or help would be appreicated many thanks
  14. play station 2 plus 25 games all working 30 pounds plus 10 postage practical carp fishing by julian cundiff 5 pounds free post pike fishing by mick brown 5 pounds free post thanks
  15. i dont want to be a grass just thought it might be the responsible thing to do looks like i was wrong but thanks for the comments it looks like this has started a war hopefully it will get pulled soon
  16. assasin8or


    i rekon we should ban these huge exustpipes that just make a bloody noise
  17. good luck with that one mate try asking local farmers and land owners in your area i think you will stand a better chance in gaining permmision that way i dont think that you will get much luck on here untill you make some freinds and build up your posts then mabey someone will help good luck and all the best
  18. looked like they had a ball my young un has got toys comming out of her ears but will she play with them no give her some bubbles and she is going for hours
  19. it is difficult as you say .the perents are just as arrigant trouble is if i confront them it may make things worse they have only got to say somthing stupid like they have seen me leaving the house with a gun then mine will be taken me locked up while they shoot my chimney down
  20. where the police station :11:
  21. we have just had a family move in up the road they have two boys about 14 and 17 they have got an air rifle and are causing a neusence shooting at chinmney pots and glas bottles basicly just being nobs they clearly have nothing to do with hunting my concern is that these sort of people give us serious hunters a bad name and it is only a matter of time before someone gets heart i am going to call the police if it continues do you think this is the right thing to do what are your thoughts on this what would you do i dont want to make things worse but i think they need sorting out
  22. now there secret is out
  23. hi guys i have been trying to make my own nets and am having no probs constructing the mesh but i am having problems fixing the rings at the end i have found some good videos on here the only trouble is my sound on comp is not working so i was hoping that someone could put up some drawings for me please many thanks
  24. the woodpigeon feeds its young on a milky substance known as pigeon milk
  25. thanks matt that was a great help im under horth herts district council and it looks like i will have to pay for it i am going to call them tommorow and get it sorted for the kids sake once again thanks for all your help atb martin
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