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Everything posted by deantrevallion

  1. Nice bitch in ya profile pics hows that bred mad for it ?
  2. as above interested in your gun please can u send me your contact details
  3. end of sick of listenin to so much shite
  4. u no where he lives go ask him about me then u clever c*nt all i said was i wouldnt have been visitin him often 15 year ago god ur a f*ckin no it all
  5. and i dont hate anyone but why come on tellin me to f*ck off and stop arse lickin [bANNED TEXT] all im doin is speakin from my experience of the man and his dogs Thank's lol hedz is alrite i think lol.... see now i said jps line not from jp.... tut tut read the post and dont hate dean.... lol over 26 years in these lines by the way dean cheers
  6. ur just a f**kin waste of time hedz no all twat. As for ur pup stop end there living of the past aint they jack aint had a russel for atleast 20 years
  7. fair point probably is more pets than workers cause theres so many buyin borders as pets but i can assure you jack always has and always will breed workers and as for price u ever spoke to him about the price of one ?
  8. u thinks wrong dick HEDZ but how can u keep commentin on someone bye the sounds of it that you no f**k all about u ever had a dog of him ? do you no him or dont ya cause one minute you respect him next minute hes a c**t like yourself id warrant to say hes forgot mre about diggin than ule ever no
  9. :laugh: u a f**kin cheshire cat or somit
  10. and theres f**k all wrong [bANNED TEXT] his borders either
  11. Where did anybody comment on jack russell's on here and call them shite like ?? the only negative comment was mine and that was more a dig at the expensive shitty border's with the name tag oxcroft attached to them and it was a dig the man was a decent bloke and knew his terrier's it's a shame with the border's i will never get what he was thinking there JACK's russels not jack russels u didnt read what i said ?
  12. does this not look like someone saying there shite ?
  13. shows what you lot no jacks russels were as good as any in the country at the time alot called MICK or NELL if you dont believe me ask jp as in the other jp
  14. Thanks born hunter there used to be hares on the land 30 odd years ago because my grandad was a lurcher man and used to tell me there was hares never hundreds but he said youd see between 10 and 15 a night then they had a keeper turned out was fiddling everywere he could and hares at the time were worth about 6 quid a piece and very fast they had diminished to next to non plus farmers were letting every tom dick and harry on lamping this is mine and quite a few others oppinion anyway might be completly wrong but hey. And yes i have heard of these massive hare shoots that they have and was hopi
  15. thanks gone to earth and yes we havent much in the way of vermin and they are in a stewardship scheme with field boundarys left uncut but we just done have any in the area at all i have lived here alll my life and never seen a hare so all i can do is try
  16. Hello i have recently started helping a keeper out on a small estate in the midlands and we were talking about how we have never seen a hare in the area and have been looking into restocking the estate with the owners permission and have found sombody who is a professional hare netter and is willing to help us out with this if i can find somewere we can net them on any help would be appreciated as we would love to see a few around the place i am willing to give anyone who can help me out a good drink for there troubles. P.S PM me if you prefer
  17. can anyone put me in contact with a dave barnham i believe from ashford kent please pm me if anyone can help .
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