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Everything posted by ssssh1forthepot

  1. Type ''permission letter'' into the search at the top left im sure there are some letter templates pinned somewhere
  2. Thank you for opening the site back up, I joined some other sites today and none were as good as this one.
  3. no not you sp this one asked to be told True I did
  4. Its probably aimed at me! Like I said tho tell me to shut up if Im chatting sh*t, I just heard that and seeing as the tread is about that subject wondered if it was true.
  5. Why cant all post's be as well written and interesting to read as this one. Cracking I loved it!
  6. Rabbit curry my own recipe is below Rabbit 4 large onions finely chopped 4 cloves of garlic fresh ginger (same amount as garlic) 2 fresh chillys crushed corriander seeds (handfull) crushed cumin seeds (tablespoon) teaspoon of turmeric powder tablespoon of salt table spoon of garam masala oil 3 glasses of water fry the onions in the oil for about 5-7 mins till they start to go a bit brown, add garlic and ginger and finely chopped chillies and all the other ingredients. then add the 3 glasses of water and leave to simmer until most off the onions have dissapeared into the sauc
  7. Ill forward you my bank details ac nuber and sort code, I promise to look after it really well for you!!
  8. I have the collins gem ''food for free'' book if thats the one your talking about its quite good, lots of pictures and good discriptions so you know what you eating is safe, it also has a usefull calender that shows you when to pick and eat each plant.
  9. Bright eyes.... love it funny as f*ck!!! mine would be prodigy smack my bi*tch up
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