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Everything posted by ssssh1forthepot

  1. I have the carbon steel one, it does disscolour if you dont clean and oil it but holds a much sharper edge IMO got mine off the Ray mears website.
  2. Ill post pics when ive mounted it, I was amazed at how bright it was tho, pretty good really to there from tesco, do you think they will be strong enough to lamp with then?
  3. Hi here are some pics....the ebay Item number: 370136689040. If it gets knocked about it may move but it is easy to recenter. the smaller light is a Deben Stinger....a lot smaller than the Tesco's 3W but saying that the tescos torch is still so light i wont notice it. just testing the light output [in our house in daylight] i think the tesco torch is brighter. will wait and see on a dark night to test them fully. i think though that the tescos torch will be on my CZ rimfire and the deben on my air rifle. Thanks just ordered off ebay, my torch looks the same bu
  4. I think the ''dieseling'' that your refering to accurs when then gun has been lubed up with oil and some of the excess oil ignites in the barrell due to the pressure and friction, but I may be wrong.
  5. Hi could you pm me with the item number of the velcro thingy off ebay it sounds like just the job for what I need
  6. I understood in well enough, must be a northern thing!!
  7. Yep I have one also, mines a 4w one tho similer to a large maglight but the beam is realy strong and go's really far I am in the process of trying to attached it to my air rifle I will post pics when its done, Mine was only a fiver! Toka can you post some pics of yours mate?
  8. I just googled sooty sam and found this pic
  9. Hi welcome to the site, where abouts are you?
  10. I think he meant it as a joke and it was about a good friend of his from what I can gather and the newspapers are just making it into something its not, allthough being a member of the royal family In my opinion he should be setting an example.
  11. I'm afraid I can't devulge that information as fear of not being taken seriously on here.....needless to say tho, it involved one hell of a lot of Tate & Lyle!!! Your doing a pretty good job of not being taken seriously allready so im sure it aint gunna make you look any worse, you may as well tell us now!!
  12. Best thing to do is get in touch with the police and find out the cabinet specifications required to hold a shotgun. Then if your friend can make one then fine. At least you wont be waisting your money then.
  13. Have a look at this on e bay 250334317035 thats the item number its a 2 gun safe for £89.99, its a breakdown cabinet, but its fully approved.
  14. You can get a brand new one for not much more than that, police aproved which is what you need, give me 2 mins and ill fond a link and put it up. Atb
  15. I agree that you cant tell if a dog is going to be a good worker at 5 months, they shouldnt even be seeing anything untill 12 months in my opinion, but you have more chance of getting a good WORKING dog if the parents are proven workers and you know the breeding of your pup. Im not saying that some of these dogs in re-homeing centres couldnt turn out to be good workers cos im sure some of them would and im sure you could buy a dog and know the parents and it might turn out shit. Its just there is more chance of a better worker from working lines. Just my opinion
  16. In my opinion your better off getting a dog that is from proven working parents.
  17. Wack it on evilbay bud, Im sure you will get what your asking for it on there maybe more
  18. Try making one for the MOT just to get it through
  19. Classic!!! has any one got a working one to put over a Greyhound??? lol
  20. What is a SSSI ? and how do i apply for one ???? I think its ''Site of special scientific interest'' or something along those lines, I would say ring the council and ask for the environment agency. Some Newts are a protected species so they wont build on the land until the have re-homed them.
  21. What's a 'masking ape' mate? I've got visions of a gorilla in a Zorro mask running round the site with a bat stuck to it! :laugh: (Only joking! ) Like this
  22. They like to portray the bad sides of hunting thats for sure.... I think the program is actually a little biased... I think it was quite biased aswell the presenter women kept going on and on and really exagerating certain things to make it look worse than it was, still I really enjoyed the programme overall and think there should be more things like that on tv. That fat guy who was crying and nearly being sick really pis*ed me off tho what a puff!!
  23. Never mind the colour, dog looks great, what breed is it?
  24. Ian B just delete this thread and anybody who has got anything to do with MB, The site got closed down not so long back because of MB being a Wa*ker, I for one do not want to lose the forum again.
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