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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. People keep going on about the fact that the guard mills died from his injuries on the train.....the facts are he died 9 years later nothing to do with the " minimal " head injuries he recieved during the robbery.....and it wasnt biggs who hit him anyway it was buster edwards who died years ago.... If ronnie dies inside or out he will be happy he lived his prime years in the sun you can be sure of that Makes a mockery of crimes/sentancing really dont it.....theres people all over the country today serving out the last years of sentances they wouldnt have got had they committed the crime to
  2. Thanks for sharing those and good on you.....its good to give ! I used to live a few minutes from their along the mile end rd....certainly changed in recent years......would love to go up their ( through choice preferably )
  3. It never ceases to amaze me how us british sports fans only want the nice guys to win.....i couldnt give a bollock if murray is ignorant he,s british....if he dont like the english so what i dont want to be his personal friend i just want british sportsmen winning things !....too many sportsman these days are working as hard on their public image as the sports they play and thats wrong. At 23 i will be surprised if murray is not a future wimbledon champ....seems like he has the strength of character not to be downtrodden by this bizarre british culture of bashing our top sportsmen and good lu
  4. gnasher16


    Just out of interest i was in a jollyes pet store the other week and clocked 4 huge ferrets priced at 110 quid each
  5. gnasher16

    andy murray

    Done well the boy....wish he,d brush his f****n hair once in a while.Thought he might struggle after the 5 setter but i reckon he stands a good chance of making the final now.
  6. All bullshit aside....i think id manage that quite comfortably....the no drinking part is the only drawback that might make it difficult in 20 minutes. Used to do 50 eggwhites, 4 whole chickens and 1 lb dry weight of pasta as PART of an every day diet in the off season back before i had much nutritional knowledge years ago : It would make sense to go in that cafe with 4 pals and share 1 normal brekkie for 2 quid each ! Mind you.....that chap in the picture looks like he aint eaten for a month so he stands half a chance
  7. Just to say sorry to a few chaps who were interested,but a nice offer was made last night and the mask is now in the post....had it been for sale it would have been a first come first serve thing but being for children the offer made could not be refused,im sure you understand. Many thanks to Mr.Lee for a kind and very generous donation.
  8. gnasher16

    andy murray

    [quote name='panda' date='Jun 28 2009, 11:16 AM' post='1119939' If he gets beat he wont be British he will be Scotish.Always the same England just cant admit there S.h.I.T at everything Coming from a jock ....how many jocks would get into a british football team ? i mean that is the national sport after all ! Personally i dont go in for all this character assasination i dont care if the mans a misery or a raving woofter he,s a world class british sportsman and in with a shout of winning the sports top prize.......so best of luck to him i hope he wins
  9. Why keep them then ? If a dogs not quality enough to breed its not quality enough to keep. Half the trouble these days is below average dogs get bred when they shouldnt even have been kept alive let alone bred !....if people culled their excess instead of selling them less dogs would be sold and the bar would be raised quality wise.
  10. Ive recently come into possession of what seems like a very well made fox mask....i have no idea of age or any details as it came through a somewhat unauthadox route......having put it in the hallway it gives me the f****n horrors every time i walk past it im half expecting a nip !..... Is there any call for this sort of stuff or anyone on here know anything about it....a mate reckons its not worth fortunes so if its of use to any good folk on here your welcome to it if you cover the postage and drop a small donation into a local childrens charity.........its in good nick and certainly looks
  11. What sort of dogs are they mate just out of interest ?
  12. Sounds like something straight out of the Diari de Balears.................or our News of the World !
  13. ...good one.....depends whether its a bird or bloke i think.....for example a blokes scouse accent i find entertaining but a womans repulsive.......................geordies i think is a good catchy one..................all brummies sound dosey,even intelligent ones......cant stand northern women who call you ducky thats wrong.......welsh is a nice pleasant accent....but a good cockney is the only accent i can fully understand
  14. Arctic would it be impolite of me to ask why the flag under your name keeps changing ?....do you have an identity crisis or are you just confused ?
  15. This " generalising " about groups of people.................isnt it ironic that you have used the word " racist " 4 times in that post...... When it comes to generalising, you mr.plod do it more than anybody......lets face it, in your twisted reversed world anyone who is remotely pissed off with things or has an ounce of pride in their country.....is a racist !...... I get the feeling your one of these " community leader " types.....you know the sort.....the ones who have spent an entire generation degrading certain areas with their scum ways....but then turn a corner in life and " put
  16. Well is that a problem then .....when in rome and all that. Also if an irish person sees themself as a foreigner while living in the united kingdom.....then thats their problem !...im english but if i went to live in scotland wales or ireland i wouldnt see myself as a foreigner
  17. Its about time people stopped being so afraid of this ridiculous word with no meaning.....its like the word " idiot " say it too often and it just loses its meaning and gets thrown at anyone without any real meaning to the word...... Most of the people who use the word " racist " are these poor victimised minority races who come here and take the piss out of us.........and when we dare to stand up and say we dont like it they call us " racist ".....well they can all f**k off as far as im concerned if someones a racist for stating the obvious in their own country then lets be proud of the word
  18. Has anyone else got a mrs who constantly drops you in it ....im starting to feel sorry for ol dannyboy.....luv,do your bloke a favour and quickly delete every post before he gets in from work.......we,,ll all play dumb to it dont worry
  19. Mrs.H....the thing is treacle......you jumped into a small hole,but the more you tried to kick and punch your way out of that hole.....it just got bigger and bigger until it swallowed you right up ....its been a hell of a lot of fun watching it though.....just a shame its been at the expense of an innocent dog.
  20. ....stone me what a carry on !.....this morning the dog was in desperate need of a new home......mid day a very decent and kind offer comes along that suits all parties ( particularly the dog )....and this aftenoon,the dogs no longer for sale !!! Whats the betting this dogs picture ends up in a shop window with a 250 pound price on it One thing i do know.....mr.hubbs wont be giving mrs.h his new thl password tomorrow
  21. Couldnt agree more......if things have got that bad then at least be desperate with some dignity......go somewhere busy throw your hat on the floor and do a dance..........at least nobody or nothing else gets hurt and you wont look any more of a prat than you have with this thread !
  22. gnasher16


    If a whole area is changed to suit the needs of the foreigners living there how is that not having change forced on you ?....my old mum and dad can decorate the inside of their home,they can sort their lovely garden and make their home a palace......but as soon as they step foot outside the door they are in a world of shit where there is nothing for them,that wasnt their choice it was forced on them......look along seven sisters rd around finsbury park station,apart from the arsenal shop there is not a shop within 200 yards in any direction that could possibly be used by a traditional white br
  23. gnasher16


    Born just off roman rd bethnal green and up till 10 years ago moved about between shoreditch,bow right along to canning town......hence the last ten years away has been like a breath of fresh air ! Lets have it right....neasden temple was not put there for british people.....how many white people do you ever see walking in or out of a temple ? My point being......asking people to change and accept other cultures is one thing......forcing different cultures on whole areas is taking the piss ! Your from north london.....as a lad we would visit finsbury park for a holiday .....nowadays yo
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