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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. One mans truth is another mans bullshit....some people hear the truth they call it bullshit.......others admit it.......some even spend their life crying about it........it takes all sorts
  2. Why dont you have a look towards the poorer countries of south america.....uraguay,chile,paraguay,mexico etc etc.......the home of some of the best " match dogs " currently active worldwide.......many of these people can barely support their families, the sport of matching dogs is not even illegal on the basis that people are more worried about where there next meal is coming from than worrying about a few dogs fighting.......these people can and could sell their dogs for absolute top dollar.......and they dont.......is it mere coincidence therefore that they possess some of the most honest tr
  3. [quote name='AKA-BRINDLE' date='Jun 13 2009, 11:10 PM' post='1099458 Lie!... last pup i had was offerd as a gift but i payed for!.......................wasnt you offering dogs and pups for sale on this very board a few years back? Was the pup up for sale ? no......no point trying to get me on technicalities mate if a pup is up for sale its because the owner doesnt want it....FACT. Now....out of over 1000 posts over several years i have had 1 post concerning dogs for sale ( on a former friends behalf who spoke no english ).....and you remember it !!!!!... ok i know you love me
  4. Did i say my bitch was average. no i didnt. If it was average it wouldnt be here. If i bred her it wouldnt be to an average dog either. trouble with people like you mate is that if other folk dont agree with you then they are wrong. I aint a muppet mate and have a fair idea of whats average and whats not. Because i dont bow down to big names and certain cliques then i dont know what im on about. This site is becoming a site of arse lickers and hypocrites imo. atb stabba Well lets hope everyone you sell a pup to has the same high standards you do....or wait,is 1 mans 200 quid better than an
  5. gnasher16


    Thats the thing though now mate....london is no longer a place for london people.....like i said above i have no problem sharing day to day life with " brits " of any nationality......but its basic common sense that says you cannot share your day to day life with people totally opposite to you in every way......yes you can tolerate them and thats whats forced on us these days....but " white flight " has been a massive choice to make over the years by many people just like me born bred and raised in london....do you " tolerate " what you dont like or do you get away from it.....so many people h
  6. Do what you like mate i couldnt give a bollock....but in my opinion its not the way to go through working dogs.....ok you sell pups out of your " average " bitch because ....." you wanted to ".......no that dont make you a peddlar.....someone else buys a pup from that and has the same attitude as you and does the same......over 4 generations of that attitude are you honestly going to tell me that the quality of those " working dogs " wont have gone down ? In this game " you get what you pay for " just doesnt apply........if it did id have the greatest dogs in the world !.....any dog you buy i
  7. Thats not really a fair comparison is it......selling a proven tested succesful dog for x amount of money is not quite the same as selling a litter of pups from unproven parents is it.....you sell a pup on the strength of its parents we are not talking about the people who buy a pup because its cute !....why would any normal sane human being buy a working pup from unproven or average parentage ?......which in turn questions why anybody would breed a pup from unproven or average parentage. The assumption " if you want something you pay for it " may apply in some walks of life but not in workin
  8. [quote name='AKA-BRINDLE' date='Jun 13 2009, 10:03 PM' post='1099331' some of the best working dogs in history have been sold for money...your talking nonsense as usual The difference is those great dogs get sold for money after they have proved themself not before.....or they are from proven very good dogs......breeding average or below dogs and selling them for money is wrong and only a fool would say otherwise. As always people defending needless dog breeding are usually the ones who go through life buying dogs.....mostly because they have no understanding of breeding or
  9. I agree with what mr.darcy has said,in fact id go a step further and say unless either or both parents are known outstanding individuals in their field then what right has the owners got in breeding them after all working dogs is a hobby not a buiseness and if a man needs to get money back then he obviously cant afford his hobby and shouldnt be prostituting his dogs out to get back what money that he needs to pursue his hobby,thats how below average dogs are passed on.Any time dogs are bred for money quality drops lower and lower......working dogs in particular should be bred for reasons of qu
  10. Lets see if we,re still hearing them bang on about this murder of a white kid by black youths in 15 years time the same as they still bang on about the murder of a black kid by white youths 15 years ago as in the stephen lawrence case............i doubt it !
  11. gnasher16


    Myself i cant see any problem at all in sharing my country with likeminded folk be it irish/jock/welsh etc.....i have irish friends we share a pint and a chat the same as id share with an english mate be it in england or ireland they welcome me over there the same as i welcome them over here...... These people who hate the bnp and call bnp supporters racist have no real understanding of human nature and simply repeat words they read in the media......the word racist has no real meaning.......to the normal man in the street like myself common sense plays a bigger role than fancy trendy words a
  12. True enough but polls are all we,ve got to go by on a grand scale.....couldnt agree more with the 2nd sentance.....personally i think like a lot of other things people are brainwashed into their dogooding trendy multicultural accepting ways and see loyal proud nationals as dinosaurs.........oh and knuckle dragging gorillas
  13. This topic got me thinking yesterday hence i phoned an old friend today as my memory is not what it used to be......anyway it turns out theres a clip on you tube of the fella i was referring to above...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXUugN4bZc name was dutch peters....certainly a character and very talented guy i remember his legs were no more than 18 inches long he was born with the disability.......i only knew him a short time but definately not to be underestimated disabled or not and a fantastic physical specimen....top half anyway.........no idea what he,s up to these days.
  14. 6 or 7 ?....90 if you bothered to look.....like it or not son......whatever happens in the real polls will happen....but it does bring some relief that in the main hunting type people are on the side of the bnp after all a poll is fair isnt it ? whether it be out in the world or on here !
  15. Dont know whether its a national or local thing but i heard today they are using cardboard as opposed to the usual steel ballot boxes.............. Certainly makes you think dont it what with the recent uprise of the bnp,and societies efforts at a ban on free speech when it comes to this particular party.
  16. This pups been treated like a rolls royce from day 1 its certainly nothing to do with any kind of mistreatment....many times she has been walked at night or at least been out in one way or another after dark......it seems this fear is only when kennelled and alone.......its got me mystified....but cheers for your thoughts
  17. Well what a turn up for the books.......i am 99 % sure we have sussed out the problem with this dog.......i stuck with the plan of leaving her shits down for a few days but this didnt prove anything either way....but i did have a brainwave of rigging up an old security camera i had laying about and recording her over a 48 hour period.......i know its a little bit extreme but this problem had really started to get to me ! Anyway.....i am now sure that the problem is actually this.................she is scared of the dark !!!! During the day there is no problem,however after dark it appears as
  18. Many years ago i had to spend some time in one of the queens big houses in london and occasionally saw a fella flying along the landing sitting on a skateboard,having got to know him it turned out he was paralysed from the waist down and this skateboard was actually his form of everyday transport,anyway he would constantly rant on about how great he was with nunchukas.....at the time i barely knew what they were and past it off as bullshit....however about 15 years later i saw him on some tv documentary.....i sat open mouthed watching the tv as he swung these things about,not my cuppa tea but
  19. gnasher16


    Wrong....your polishing romans cup.....succesful clubs build succesful teams they dont buy them.
  20. When we talk about what a dog has genetically inheritted we cant just look at the parents.....so many traits skip generations and resurface when you least expect them that you simply cant base genetic inheritance on parents alone.......ive seen dogs good that have inheritted literally nothing from their parents but are still great representatives of their line.......when i say dubious breeding i mean bred from dogs that genetically shouldnt have produced a dog of such quality but do....this is a rare thing you might do 5 breedings exactly the same produce 30 pups and only 1 is a top class dog.
  21. Been reading this thread with interest but havent felt qualified to give an opinion having never in my life bred any type of hunting dog !....however having bred many many sporting dogs over many years i feel theres perhaps not as many differences between a dog bred for specific sport and a dog bred to hunt as regards the nature vs nurture debate which has raged for years. Im of the opinion that you cant have one without the other,if you dont carefully nurture a well bred dog he will never reach his full potential.....to me its all about getting the best from a dog regardless of his make up..
  22. gnasher16


    Chelsea are an excellent team these days....but......shit club no history !
  23. Reading these replies it beats me why more folk dont have treadmills.....if your willing to go to the lengths of having a dog running alongside a car your obviously doing it for conditioning reasons......stop being a skinflint and show your dogs some respect....get the correct tool for the job.
  24. A jacker ?...there was no quit in frank he just did not know how to react when under pressure....like i said,fighting just didnt come natural to him but he certainly made the best of what he had and thats to be admired not ridiculed......as for rooney,i really dont think you have a realistic attitude to top class sport mate if you think that grand a week or whatever guarentees success........your probably one of these that hates beckham and amir khan as well ?.....
  25. Your wrong mate frank did not freeze in big fights he was just not technically gifted and if truth be told he was not a fighter in his heart,fighting didnt come natural to him....what he did have was a heavy punch,dedication and a fantastic physical presence..........but that could only get him so far......but a flop he was not !......Rooney on the other hand is more frustrating because he does have the talent and ability but cant always use it.....at his age he would not be human if an occasion such as last night did not get to him.....these top athletes are not robots......some days the ball
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