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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. Your missing the point mate....personally i think Lesnar is a fantastic athlete and has made the most of what he has and good luck to him,i actually think he has a great attitude to fighting,he is trying to learn but never forgets what he is and what he is a a superb physical specimen who can overwhelm far superior technical fighters.....this alone i believe makes a slight mockery of the sport when folk say how technical it is and how you have to be well rounded etc etc....well clearly you dont,being a hugely strong agile athlete is good enough ! My problem with fighters like Lesnar walkin
  2. I despise that term " pound for pound "....its a new trendy terminology for an impossible question.....how could anyone say St Pierre would beat Brock Lesnar for example.....he would get murdered !!...the reason being Brock Lesnars strength is his size and strength !!.....so to compare the 2 men as athletes and fighters and say one could beat the other " pound for pound " is just ludicrous. I would say the most complete mma fighter around at the moment is St Pierre yes,but he will be beaten as will Lesnar.It seems to be a sport where no man totally dominates their division for an entire ge
  3. I have every respect for mma fighters and the sport in general...but i truly believe these type of contests do a lot of damage to the sport. Ticket sales and freak show entertainment value should NEVER be the reason to put a fight on.....the best should fight the best to prove who the best is....simple as that....the minute you start to compromise the competetive element to any sport you hurt that sport. Kimbo.....Lesnar.....Pudzianowski now James Toney.....all men who are walking into a sport at the very highest level to put bums on seats and sell tickets....i think its a shame the wa
  4. EXACTLY !!....and that has taken him to the pinnacle of the sport after a couple of fights.....to me that is an embarrassment to the sport.....all the claims of what a techincal sport mma is,Lesnar has proved good old fashioned brute force strength and athleticsm can overcome all that. AS for the heart he showed,i would say yes he did,this is a man who has never been in a fight until recently remember.Most people who compete in sport at the highest level have done so since very young be it football boxing or whatever and by the time they are on the world stage in their sport have already p
  5. Im not one to dislike a sportsman because their not " a nice man "...and ive never watched that soppy boys wrestling.....so personally ive only really paid attention to Lesnar since he has been in the ufc and i think he has a great work ethic and attitude to fighting....i think he has embarrassed the whole sport of mma.....ok he was a top college wrestler,but the fact is a man with no fighting background has walked into mma and become world heavyweight champion in a couple of fights through sheer brute force !.... It just proves that a big strong guy with great athleticsm can overcome skill e
  6. Personally i dont go in for all this English/Scottish thing,i wanted Murray to win simply because he is from a country close to my own....no different to if i could choose someone to win the lottery i would choose my closest neighbors ! The fact he dont like English folk who cares.....once again too many people like to judge sportsman on " whether he is a nice man " ......what a sportsman does when he is not being a sportsman i couldnt give a flying bollock !...judge a sportsman as a sportsman and a showbiz celebrity as a showbiz celebrity......the day you get the 2 confused is the day y
  7. Of the 66 world cup squad only Banks,Moore,B Charlton....and possibly Jimmy Greaves ( though he didnt play in the final ) were recognised world class players......the likes of Nobby Styles,Geoff Hurst,Martin Peters etc were not known outside of England..... Although i agree with you about pressures the truth is the rest of the world has caught up with us due to the worldwide popularity of the sport,the sport has grown massively but England are still the same size....it stands to reason we cant dominate like we did back then.
  8. I agree with this in a way.....its like anything you invent that becomes popular,it ends up where everyone else passes you by ! As a nation we are a small in size footballing nation yet because of our reputation etc we are expected to be top of the tree.....look at this world cup,the sport has become huge globally,even nations not really known for football are becoming just as big as us....the asian and african sides not to mention the south americans have become great football nations simply because of the popularity of the sport....to the point where size IS making a difference.....when a s
  9. My tennis knowledge is very limited,but is Murray not going to need to be getting a higher % of first serves in if he is to reach the final ? Surely it must do your confidence good to know your first serves are going in,could he not slow it down 15 % to make sure more go in rather than having to slow it down 50 % on a second serve.... maybe i should stick to what i know
  10. I would like to see Harry Redknapp get the job but i dont think the FA will give it him,simply because he has a bit of scandal in his background what with the betting buiseness....i think the FA would rather have a squeaky clean character even if he is not as good as a manager...which is another one of our problems as a nation we are more worried about giving off the wrong impression than picking the best man for the job.....look at the Argies,they picked a proven drug taking cheat to manage their national side because he was the best man for the job.....our FA havent got the bottle to do that
  11. So..........when a team is 2 goals down with 20 minutes to go and MUST score to stay in a knockout competition...you bring a man on ( heskey ) who has a proven record of NOT scoring goals when on the bench you have a man with a proven scoring record ( crouch )...then with 10 minutes to go you bring on a right winger and play him at right back ( wright phillips )....well yes,what a tactical master !! The fact he has had success at club level means nothing he has NEVER managed at international level,the man cannot communicate and treats professional athletes like naughty children....thats witho
  12. I had the same conversation earlier,but hindsite is a great thing to have......can you imagine if Capello had taken the likes of Walcott,Johnson,Wiltshire,Gibbs plus a whole bunch of other in form fresh youngsters....and left Lampard,Gerrard,Rooney,Terry etc etc at home....and we got beat 4-1 by the germans and looked awful throughout the competition,everyone would have been saying is Capello nuts leaving our biggest stars at home !! A few players like Green,Upson,Heskey etc yes i agree with you.....but regardless,Capello was simply not 6 million pounds worth of managerial genius like we w
  13. Spain are a class act,if they can get it together i can see them running out comfortable winners.Wouldnt be surprised if it go,s to pens.With Spain winning hopefully.
  14. No i killed her stone dead as a matter of fact ....as you say,only a bit of banter eh..... And when your Scottish and talking about professional sport i understand you have to have a sense of humour so my mistake im sorry
  15. This is the same Roy Keane who walked out on his fellow man and went home in a sulk during the biggest tournament of his sporting life ....Maybe Mr.Keane should keep his opinions to himself on things that dont concern him,what does he know about being a top class manager,nothing....what does he know about world cup squads,nothing. If a manager picks the complete wrong players,cannot speak the language,treats grown men like naughty children and is totally tactically clueless making bad decisions.....id say no matter how shit the players were he is as responsible for being an overpaid pric
  16. Absolutely right it hurts....as a passionate football fan who follows my team around the country week in week out,as a proud Englishman,as someone who built their hopes up that we would do well.....absolutely right it hurts..... As for a bunch of neighboring nations who rarely get to the footballing world stage taking the piss out of us....no that doesnt hurt at all,its quite funny.......it kind of reminds me of one of those little Yorkshire Terriers that keeps nipping away at your ankles and you have to turn round and give it a boot every now and then.....it waits a while,then comes back
  17. Spot on.....i like your outlook on sport mr.johnnyboy you see things for what they are and dont get carried away with all the character assasination most folks do when it comes to sports stars,its very refreshing. As for Murray...im certainly no tennis expert but thats sometimes the thing about true sporting talent.....its clear and obvious even to the untrained eye......best of luck to him.
  18. Think your possibly getting a teeny weeny bit carried away with the puffing your chest out bit mate.....believe me ive looked enough men in the eye to know whats real and whats not i dont really need an explanation from someone on the internet My point was just because a lad can hit a tennis ball hard dont impress me one little bit when it comes to anything else and tennis is a posh rich kids sport so very unlikely Mr.Murray is at ease with physical confrontation but who knows,more to the point who cares he,s a tennis player
  19. What has the English football team got to do with Scottish tennis players ? ....you jocks are even bitter and twisted when your athletes are getting compliments ...maybe you should concentrate on what your athletes can do well instead of scratching round trying to find what others do badly.....then again i suppose the first options not an easy thing to do .....your a strange bunch
  20. I understand a little bit about psycology but i didnt say im a qualified psychiatrist.....and by the sound of it.....you need one ...... But in my admitted unqualified opinion......id say you have done a shit in your pants.
  21. Psycology again.....often when somebody knows not what to say they resort to wit to deflect the embarrassment without losing face...... Bless ya its quite sweet really.
  22. Not sure who thats directed at but " stewie " dont even sound like Gnasher or Johnnyboy ! Then again you cant expect under 12,s to be able to read properly so your forgiven
  23. In all fairness Murray looks the sort of lad you would only need to shout at and he would roll up in a ball,a bit like Henman....i guess its just a posh poncey tennis thing. That said the kid Murray can certainly smash a ball your right,i have doubts about his character if go,s behind a set or 2....but i,ll be hoping he go,s far this year he has great talent.
  24. Well....i never knew the Huntinglife now had an under 12,s section !
  25. The only possible entertainment of the depressingly bad England displays over this tournament is listening to the Scottish,Welsh and Irish and then realising just how jealous,poisoned and hurt they all are that they are the overspill of Britain.....its like listening to a divorced couple where the husband keeps constantly trying to rattle the wife,calling her names,trying to get under her skin....but she doesnt give a f**k because the little man means nothing to her Do your psycology lads.....hate is a feeling,just like love..........when/if Scotland,Ireland,Wales play in the world cup i wi
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