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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. Point being the Apbt as a breed or infact the owners of the breed gain absolutely nothing from such a cross.....hence " IF " the right people were owning the breed for the right purposes the Lurcher would have to go elsewhere to find such qualities its a win win for the Lurcher while again,the Apbt gains nothing.....dont get me wrong i get it why wouldnt people want to use the most magnificent breed in existence to improve their own.....i just look back at old hands like Tudor and folk of that era who probably didnt even know what a Lurcher was and wonder what they would reflect on the time an
  2. As a lifelong admirer of the Apbt these shitty useless 2 bob mutts they call Xl Bullies are the perfect example of why folk like me who are purists do not condone the crossing of the breed in any way whatsoever. Kept by the right people for the right purposes the pure,proven family bred Apbt is the Rolls Royce of the sport it was intended for,even crossing to another family within the breed needs careful consideration....a cross outside the breed should not even be an option......why would anybody with a Rolls Royce even consider putting a Cortina engine in it !......likewise why would a
  3. Funny how all these sentences getting dished out are all the same type of people,poor working class etc immediately pleading guilty showing the awaiting public how terrified they should be in future......wait till they pick on someone with the capability to fight back,someone not intimidated by threats of longer sentences,someone with enough legal clout to tear the prosecution to shreds because it wouldnt be a difficult thing to do finances permitting.....sad desperate shower of c**ts !
  4. Wouldnt like to hazard a guess at what really happened to that yacht but shame all the same,Mike Lynch was a local chap started out with nothing....fascinating fella to listen to just had a unique foresight of the world on a huge scale.....i suppose theres big business where money gets shit done,and then theres huge business where power gets things done.....id say theres a good person been lost there regardless.
  5. Never really understood why anyone would put that type of dog into a pet home environment....to me it just shows a basic lack of understanding of dogs in general......sad state of play when peoples ego's get the better of their common sense.
  6. I'll swap this one depending what your furniture's like
  7. My mistake sorry its 5 and a half foot not 7.
  8. Just so you get an idea sizewise this isnt a big dog by any means and its a medium sized mill.....personally i think you'd be making a mistake getting anything much smaller....think this ones about 7 foot in length.
  9. What sort of dogs are they mate ?.....if they're adult dogs that have never run a free running slatmill you might be surprised how long it can take a dog to get used to one....plenty of dogs get spooked by them,the noise in particular. Do you need your dogs full out running wide open ? if not then a normal human type slow running electric mill would probably suit better.......you cant condition a dog on an electric mill but for just ticking over and maintenance type exercise they are good......or even one of them Fit Fur Life ones i only saw one up for sale the other day but they are bigg
  10. According to Google the world record for 10 year old boys is a kid called Bershawn Jackson.....in a time of 12.43
  11. I wonder if " The Defence Forces said warning shots were fired by personnel during the incident " is a clever way of saying " we missed ! " One of your own is in the process of getting stabbed and your DEFENCE forces dont take him out ?....well why not ?
  12. It was his PB mate....naturally in the biggest race of your life where you've prepared immaculately and peaked for the one race your more likely to run a PB than anywhere else.....hence most world records are achieved at the big meets or Worlds/Olympics etc
  13. Thanks mate hope you are doing ok.....the fact im sitting on here on a Saturday indicates where my heads at im too mentally fragile at the moment to be arguing with anyone so im not going to add my opinions....all id say is you have people dishing out advice these days who have never been there,they've learned everything they know from the equivalent of a text book or naively listen to these Joe Rogan type characters who sound super intellectual but actually understand very little about how the body works.....we learned in an age where all you had was each other and you learned from your own
  14. The Essex schools record for 100m for under 12's is 12.2 secs i know that for a fact mate.......the kid runs for Woodford Green AC so id imagine he gets the correct coaching.......10 year olds doing 11 seconds just isnt believable mate.
  15. Trouble is at that age you are competing in school years meaning there could be almost a whole year between competitors if one kids born in September and another kid in the same race is born in July/August thats a massive difference at 10 and 11......must admit 11 second 100m at 10 years old sounds far fetched to me.....looking at them times posted the 2.29 for 800m sounds a good time im pretty sure i won our district sports with 2.21 but i was maybe 12 by then....the long jump distances of 3.80 sounds so sweet ....but hitting the board bang on is a nightmare i remember having trouble with tha
  16. I find these type of chats scary to read nowadays just how much poor information people are picking up....its almost like the latest fad or craze where people get into strength and fitness and learn everything they can spending hours researching stuff without ever really getting a real understanding of why they are doing things i wont advise anybody i dont know about anything nutrition/juice wise anymore as the majority of people are simply training for the wrong reasons. I remember a time when you lifted weights and got fit because it was fun......usually competitive sportsmen or ex spor
  17. Havent spoken to Terry in years he was always a bit of an oddball character,bit socially awkward etc ....im told he's even worse nowadays,conspiracy theorist/wannabe politician type Years ago a lot of local fighters all different ages did the same few runs it was seen as a gym bonding type of thing,we would all start off in one big group and after a while break off into little groups dependant on the chit chat.....you'd always see people drifting away from Terry to the point he'd be literally talking to himself....and then would come a sudden burst of speed way out in front to disguise t
  18. Like many other subjects the internet has created simply far too much information to the point you now have strength and conditioning " experts " that have never had any better reason to become fit than to make a few bob being " experts " Nowadays you can become a strength/fitness coach without ever leaving your bedroom ffs ! Get out and in the gym and learn/observe what strength/fitness means from what we used to call " the inside out,not the outside in "
  19. Im not referring to " bull terriers " as i dont really understand why they even come into discussions about fighting dogs but regarding purity and a paper pedigree.....some of those old timers years ago would be able to tell just from the naked eye if a dog was a pure family dog these men went to extraordinary lengths at times to maintain clean bloodlines they would regard breeding to another family within the breed as a complete outcross....to a different breed completely would just be unimaginable......the reason some of todays dogs can be traced back dog for dog over so long is because of t
  20. If you are still alive by Friday maybe climb Ben Nevis over the weekend just to loosen yourself up for Monday again
  21. The majority of todays magistrates are infact district judges who are paid state employees doing as they're told rather than traditional decision making,upstanding citizen volunteer magistrates.
  22. Bless you mate thankyou....yes their own son who was my best pal as kids he died when we was in our late teens and i kind of became a replacement son i suppose,which was handy really as i never got on with my own parents......he was a beautiful man though mate a good christian i'd have done anything for,i just adored him and will miss him terribly....likewise mate sorry for your loss and i hope time has been a healer for you....time just dont feel like it'll heal anything at this point.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2C7X9o8SIA Ok mate .......your time pisses all over this yank kids national record then....and on grass in plimsolls as well fair do's
  24. Cross country wasnt really a thing for us as kids as we didnt have any countryside but we used to do what they still call the block runs which were basically road running around certain streets that ran parallel to the school apparently i still hold one of the records to this day,only worked out to about 800 meters but seemed miles as kids.....as a young boxer pounding the streets years ago we often did the hill sprints at Beckton ski slope...he was 5 or 6 years older than me some of you boxing chaps might of heard of him Terry Marsh,he had without doubt the most unbelievable engine ive ever
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