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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. gnasher16


    The way Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities deliver their votes is " en bloc " through either a tribal elder or through a mosque imam where they will literally ORDER their flock to have their votes signed and delivered in bags....which you would think would be corrupt but the network of political activism within the far left is nationwide.
  2. gnasher16


    Look up the Ottawa High Hookers....nothing to do with language or politics but will certainly put an inch on your biceps
  3. gnasher16


    Asmittedly im a bit worse for wear but thats the best post ive seen on here in a long time regards all the race/religion/war stuff......just simple common sense go's a long way.
  4. gnasher16


    Strange lad you are !
  5. gnasher16


    Civic Nationalists are just Ethnic Nationalists without the commitment to go all the way.....i find them quite funny.
  6. gnasher16


    Just out of curiosity mate why are you not for Ethnic Nationalism do you not think we are up to it as a group ? What do we " need " from other ethnicities that we cannot/couldnt do for ourselves ? Not digging you out,just interested
  7. gnasher16


    Careful or Compromise.....its the age old controversy in the whole Nationalist movement,do you commit to full on Ethno Nationalism or make a compromise and go for " anyone can be British " Civic Nationalism.........do folk who have spent most of their lives fighting for 1 thing suddenly " trade off " for something else because a lot of the " new " Tommy Robinson types have pitched up with a weak compromise.
  8. gnasher16


    Refreshingly beautiful that..... " I dont care ".......good for him/them.
  9. After a very moving funeral yesterday im in a somewhat reflective mood and reading through this topic i realise that through all the if's,but's and maybe's we can only make the best of who and what we are.....and as a young lad in the areas i grew up you amounted to nothing if you wasnt willing to take chances so as extremely boisterous,high energy,driven and very motivated young men chasing money myself and a few pals fell into crime and a couple of us did very well through life but having lost around 12 years in total and pretty much all of family life not a day go's by i dont wish id grown
  10. Never really understood the whole furore over drugs if grown adults want to ruin their lives thats up to them....selling drugs to kids is a c**ts turn out but as an adult human being you choose your own path.
  11. Because they have a constant flow of silly little pricks coming out with some bigger/better type shit and then going all victim when people take the piss out of them for it !
  12. Simms had him to himself early on while McCracken was doing the Team GB stuff but McCracken was the big name trainer after Froch and somewhat took over......big mistake for me as with the chin and fitness Froch had virtually anyone could have trained him and got success.....McCracken is a good trainer of amateurs but the down side to that is he is too cautious with pro fighters in my opinion.
  13. Again,you're just reading words without taking them in im not talking about best wins im talking about styles.
  14. gnasher16


    If you're on about who i think then the " lad " is 61 ....just won the amateur Grand Seniors out in Malaysia i believe it was.....good luck to him he's been around a long time,the amateur game is very much different to the pros as it go's on age/weight categories,different rules and formats etc but respectable achievement nonetheless.......most of our generation first got into arm wrestling after the Stallone film Over the Top came out,if i remember right Dan actually competed in the qualifying rounds of that competition which shows how long he's been at it.
  15. Wilf if you had the same passion,energy and appetite for a fight in the real world as you had on here you would probably be quite useful around likeminded folk......sadly as we're seeing more and more often these days too many people are only willing to voice their opinion from a safe place and it'll cost us in the long run.
  16. Stylistically Joshua doesnt know anymore if he's a boxer or a slugger Tony Simms had him committed to what he was good at....too late now.
  17. Only because of your frantically urgent desire to defend Fury/Wilder you have completely missed the point i was making.
  18. Fast feet,fast hands,and angles....will be avoided by most heavyweights who base their game on size.....they wont want anything to do with Ruiz or Usyk.
  19. Comes to something when the only person willing to stand up for your average white working class man is a non white middle class woman....f****n embarrassing the lot of it !
  20. Your ol fella was an army man was he not ? so was mine,i couldnt stand the man and he couldnt stand me but i admire what he stood for as i do all that generation and will protect their memory at all times..........so no all we hold dear is not f****n gone but it will be if these third world c**ts get there own way this weekend ! Now im certainly gonna f**k off before i hurl this laptop through the window
  21. This " fight " that you ran away from you mean ? Im beginning to lose my rag with you young man so im going to shut the laptop and f**k off out with the dog
  22. Maybe try and find one of your Churchill quotes for " we'll slip and slide/duck and dive " eh mate
  23. So once the things you are defending and fighting for dont exist anymore......you think people will defend and fight for them....right ok yeah good one. Again,so you are willing to sacrifice all we hold dear to " make a point "......allow our oldest and bravest to be humiliated etc ?......we're talking about one weekend here not day to day life.....again once its gone its gone. Ive had this out with you before mate and its not even really a debate im willing to have or an attitude im going to try to justify we all do as we see fit as men.....you have given up and thats
  24. You see i just dont believe science and genetics works like that ......strong uncompromising men dont suddenly produce feeble inferior specimens without instinct.... it exists. Governments of the west certainly now how to suppress you're right.....but its there.
  25. Exactly how long do we all sit around on our hands then mate ?.....could you comfortably watch the capital you grew up in get torn to shreds and our olduns disrespected on our most solemn day of remembrance ? I dont support that lad Tommy Robinson he is not pro white but what he has said on this weekends caper is absolutely spot on. Do we just leave it to plod ? are we to trust a police force being advised by that midget c**t Khan who hates us,or the Attiq Malik geezer who led that " River to the Sea " chant.....this a man who has been present in police operations rooms in some of th
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