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Everything posted by gnasher16

  1. Im convinced that awkward period between middle age and old age enables people to have too much time on their hands !
  2. Stone me fair do's guv.....i had you down as a bit of a dick but couldnt be more wrong,new found respect and all that Only messing....one of the most impressive things ive seen through life was when years ago my young nephew found himself in the same position....23 year old big good looking lad had the pick of the ladies but overnight his life changed....he stuck to that kids side and showed a type of character that just impressed me so much watching him bring her up over the years....he's 52 now and shes 30 odd all grown up etc.... they have the most beautiful relationship it brings a
  3. Oh ok gotcha yeah i think he had all of them Bertie/Bella/Myra on his walls....not sure i remember who the artist was though such things didnt hold much interest to me at the time,probably an age thing
  4. And all of a sudden Reform appear on the horizon.......see what i mean about controlled opposition mate. Remember back when the Bnp were gaining a bit of popularity and showing a bit of promise....they got Nick Griffin on a telly interview to humiliate and embarrass him......next minute Ukip popped up
  5. I honestly think its a mindset mate....in common sense terms i dont think we as a nation are any different to other European nations who are beginning to see the light......we are just more mentally subjugated than they are through years of forced political correctness that our neighbouring countries didnt really go through. In other words to me its not as politically complicated as we make out,human emotions and reactions are very simple things governed by nature but if they're been battered and dilapidated like ours have they are going to be all cockeyed and crooked. As an example
  6. I always liken it to the Only Fools & Horses episode where they finally cop a fortune and the next day Dels on the blower trying to do a deal for some toasters or something When you've chased money a long time and you finally get it the anti climax can often take you by surprise. Ive had a pretty unconventional life and never really had a " job " type job to actually retire from in the first place but when i did eventually find myself in a position where i had more than i needed i went through that same anti climax of " what do i chase now then ".......but i think you end up ch
  7. Extremism Laws you gotta love em " I dont like the way immigration is going " = Extremist !! " I dont like multicultural societies " = Extremist !! " I dont like Muslim gangs raping young girls " = Extremist !! " Id prefer to live amongst my own people " = Extremist !! " White lives matter " = Extremist !! " Black lives matter.....I hate white people " = No problem whatsoever.
  8. Whos that you're referring to mate ?
  9. Its instinctive group behaviour we all do it i dont know why people would expect any different.....you dont invite a lion into your home and expect or even ask it to not act like a lion ive never understood why we moan about Muslim women wearing their postbox kit,speaking the language or any other " foreign " behaviours.......as groups and races we are all uniquely different i dont want an African not to be an African any more than i want a Muslim not to be a Muslim or a European not to be a European we are all seperate distinctive groups of unique people.......this whole " integration " thing
  10. The last 2 punches Ngannou got caught with could easily have put a normal everyday bod into a coma.....for a person to be of the opinion that this fight was a fix of some sort tells me they've never been punched in the face and so probably shouldnt have an opinion in the first place.
  11. Arsenal fans that cant get a ticket for a game dont go to Spurs games instead you're talking about British Nationalists getting behind a political group run by a Muslim and who stand for many of the liberal policies we oppose, we've compromised in this way for years and its led us to where we currently find ourselves. And what makes you think it would just be me and you ? the only times nationalist parties have ever made even a slight impression was with harder right ethno nationalist parties like the Bnp who had 120 candidates for the 2005 election,250,000 votes with 33 councillors in 20
  12. Stick another nought on the end.....infact give them whatever they want 30k/40/50....apart from being cheaper in the long run its simply the right thing to do.
  13. He has become popular through the internet and so will be sought after in various capacities yes.......but he is controlled opposition,simple.
  14. As a nation,compromising is what got us into this mess in the first place and it will continue to do so.......we have to let go of this fear and start using very strong language....Ethno nationalism has a moral standard that puts the native population first....its a very strong standard saying we dont care who you are or where you come from you are going to have to stand behind the native British population......people can put labels on us and call us names but we have to protect our own people from the diversity that is being put into positions of power....diversity is not acting on behalf of
  15. Nah to begin with i was gentle,patient and respectful ......but at some point you just gotta show these things who's boss......they wont try that shit with me again
  16. I completely lost track of what he was on about while trying to work out what sort of f****d up accent that is wheres the geezer from ?
  17. Womens hygiene is just a mystery to me at times,my ol woman is immaculate in every way.....yet the other day i caught her using my electric toothbrush...." what do you think you're doing thats my one " i says......" my one's packed up i just thought id use yours "........" yeah but sharing a toothbrush is f****n mingin whats wrong with you " i says......." well i have a lot worse of your bodily fluids than that in my mouth what difference does it make " she says.......must admit i didnt really have an answer
  18. Not on a mobile but i used to be shit hot on that old Decathlon game where you had to smack f**k out the buttons as fast as you can to make him run.....my timing on pressing the jump button or letting go of the javelin was immaculate i wouldnt mind betting my 8000 odd score still stands as a record at the arcade in Canvey Island.
  19. Oh and another one.....bin liners/black bags !......how the f**k are you supposed to get the c**ts open Ive just literally had a fight with one,started off trying to cleverly rub the top between my fingers,nothing.....licked my fingers to get a bit more purchase,nothing.....tried the same manoeuvre at each corner,nothing.....looked several times to make sure im at the open end of the bag,check complete......tried rubbing the entire thing between my hands to force an edge up,nothing.....tore an inch down in order to prise it apart,nothing......shook it around in circular motions like som
  20. Yes but when you saw her a few months ago and she had a face like a used tea bag she surely has to expect a reaction......i couldnt place what she reminded me of but then remembered the Mash Get Smash advert from years ago........it didnt go down too well
  21. I dont disagree that he's brought to light some important issues ive never heard him say anything about Islam i dont agree with....but thats where it ends.....how can a man who believes that anybody can be British be a nationalist let alone a leader of nationalists.....im not looking for a perfect leader but a leader does have to have the fundamental basics of a party of British identity and core beliefs of ethnocultural unity or whats the point....it was always going to come to a " choose which side you're on " scenario and feeble civic nationalism isnt even a choice we might as well stay as
  22. Couldnt agree more......Tommy Robinson however,is not a nationalist.
  23. Mental case women in their 40's/50's who you havent seen for a while that walk into a boozer greeting you with a big kiss and hug having just had f**k knows how much £££'s worth of facelift/surgery/lip pumping shit that has made them look like an out of space alien......expecting you to carry on like nothings happened and copping the hump when you say " what the f**k have you done to yourself you lunatic "
  24. Was over the moon for Louis Green i really hope he gets the Gilley rematch and earns himself a few quid he has a very watchable style and a likeable personality to go with it,just a shame he couldnt fully dedicate himself to the sport a few more years ago but better late than never.....great to see these quality domestic level dust up's they are everything thats good about boxing.
  25. This is the problem its going to take someone to get hurt for it to stop.......but who is protecting the sport through all this ?.....nothing or nobody......these governing bodies are a f****n disgrace !
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