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About limos

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  1. 350 a bargain i thought it was 3.50 now thats a bargain"!! tought you said you dont ues a lead on him !!!! whats that round his neck. will you take a fiver ???
  2. sorry i for got to say, he is for sale for £150 AND YOU CAN CALL ME ON 07864331348 hi mate whtch dog is it ? where bts r u hi mate its the black & wight one im in gwynedd
  3. sorry i for got to say, he is for sale for £150 AND YOU CAN CALL ME ON 07864331348
  4. Black and wighthalf wippit 1/4 bedy grayhound just over a year old. for sale jue to work. if you wont to know more call me or live a text. thanks for looking. sorry pic is not that good will put up more soon
  5. i know it was steep but the dog is a good one and i would heat to sell him for shit monie to a once a mounth lamper. any way the dog sold and i got my £250. and the best thing is he is only living down the road so i still get to see him.
  6. how dus it work. well it works like this. you give me the monie and i give you the dog. have you never bought a dog be for ??? i sapose you lot just go to the rspca and pick up the less looking retarted dog you can find. i thought i new you dog in the pic
  7. bull grayhound sandy brindel 2 year old standing at 26". This dog is owned by my mate. he has not dun much a part from the odd night on the lamp with me. the dog listens very well and he is starting to follow the lamp with his head, the dog is a good one. so the big question Y DONT I HAVE HIM OR Y IS HE FOR SALE ? well my mate who owns him is not a hunting man he is into his horses and the dog is just sat chaned in the stabel yard. now i dont know about you, but in my opinion a lurcher is a running dog they are born to run so if i can help him live his dreams i will. I would love to keep him
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