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luke ferret

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About luke ferret

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 03/10/1989

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    Out with dogs
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  1. We have a few dogs lol bedlington lurcher crosses mostly mine is a 5/8 3/8 beddywhippet the smoothcoat
  2. Resting him with a ice pack round it
  3. Out lamping last night on fresh prem with the whippet lurcher 3 rd slip on a rabbit ran straight under a metal sheep troff / feeder dog was slowing down dog skided on wet mud bang staigt in to it and over the top he went yelp put a limp on back leg then seemed ok then he was limping again a hour after and this morning his hinde leg the ankel joint fair bit of swelling he dosent put his weight on it he dosent seen to be in that much pain is there anything i shud try befor i see the vet i.e a few days rest?
  4. Last littel lamping seshion for the season lastnight 8 in total after a good few runs leave it all for sep now ?
  5. am not worried i said you would be sick if you did and i also said your just giveing antis ammo meaning its just makeing it hard for us And it can get harder how ?.........leave the bloke alone, it's up to him and I hope he is killing plenty harder just another reason to keep the ban in fair play if he is i just dont think shit like that shud be allover fb in my eyes bad publisty
  6. At the end of the day its banned and it shouldnt be plasterd allover fb its just makeing it worse for us lol you dont know who is looking in on it.
  7. am not worried i said you would be sick if you did and i also said your just giveing antis ammo meaning its just makeing it hard for us
  8. am not worried i said you would be sick if you did and i also said your just giveing antis ammo meaning its just makeing it hard for us
  9. I couldnt beleve how many lads where saying niceone mate well done lol his dogs where no where near it too lol but thats not the point Its a stupid thing to put on and even more so bragging about them saying it smashes everything lol might as well tell the coppers your adress too by putting it on lol
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