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Everything posted by ultimathule

  1. How do you guys keep your ferrets nails from getting too long? Do you cut them down with dog nail clippers or what? My twos nails look quite long and would have a bash trimming them myself but think it would just stress out the animals who are only just getting used to me? Sure you guys dont take them to the vets do you? Cheers.
  2. Just took the kits in the end! They are nearly the size of the father already and bigger than their mum. The guy said they were only 11weeks,must admit did expect them to be smaller but seemed a nice enough bloke. Seeing what he had for his ferrets has made me even more determined to sort mine out with something bigger soon. He basically had a childs wendy house enclosed in wooden fenced off area,so think it would have been a shock for them to go into my double hutch! Just had them running about my kitchen exploring for an hour and surprise,surprise they wern't too happy to go back in the
  3. Hi folks. Picking up a couple of male poley kits tomorrow and they guy Im getting them off has asked if I want the mum as well. She is apparently a keen worker and may be of help when starting the kits hunting,but he said she can be temperamental! Should I take her too or steer clear as she may pass any bad habits onto the younguns? Also would a 4ft double hutch be ok for housing all three if I was to take her? Cheers
  4. That sounds like a plan mate. I do eat them myself but will feed the dogs and also the ferrets with them. Just hope the bounty comes back in up here soon.25p a tail a couple of years back.
  5. Cheers. Is the gutted rabbit skinned also? I would have thought so,but sure I've heard some throw in with fur on?
  6. Hi. Just wondering do you guys feed once a day for young ferrets and if so how much is enough? Im getting three youngsters at 10wks and want to make sure I am feeding enuf and not overdoing it either? If putting rabbit to them,is it completely whole with fur,ungutted the lot or do I just gut and skin it? How long would one rabbit do 3 ferrets? Sorry for all the questions,the book I got dont cover this in much detail at all:( Cheers
  7. Thanks for the advice guys and some great pics of the courts. I have got a double tier hutch coming for starters,but fully intend on getting a court over the coming weeks. Have 2 hobs and a jill aged 9 wks coming! Cheers.
  8. Ok guys. Just looking for some opinions. Just getting back into me airguns after a good few years lay off and was thinking of buying the same model I had before,the supersport,coz all it was used for was rabbits and I got more than enough to satisfy my needs with this. Have been looking at various models,mainly BSA and Weirauch and have seen some nice,more modern weapons. I really aint looking for anything fancy and want a springer. Would a supersport lag behind drastically air rifles nearer the £300 mark(my budget) in terms of taking out rabbits? Any recommendations? Cheers.
  9. Cheers for the replies guys. That sounds pretty straightforward to me. Dont need to go building any fancy ferret enclosure just yet!
  10. Hi. I am wanting to start ferreting andw ould like to know what would be classed as adequate housing to keep ferrets in. Got a book on ferreting but sadly no mention of housing in it.I remember "when I were a lad" my father kept his ferrets in what was nothing more than a rabbit hutch,but I read somewhere that this type of housing is not suitable for ferrets. Can anyone recommend housing that I could buy online(diy skills are not up to much) or even a picture would help. Thanks in advance
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