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Everything posted by ultimathule

  1. 3.5 month old pup. Not bred by Dave Platt himself but both parents were. 9th Generation
  2. omanyra (Bill) tried mailing you on here but no luck. Did u get the email?
  3. Stunner MIK! What's the brindle dog? Saluki/grey? Nice pack
  4. Was that from the litter in the countrymans weekly a wee while back?? May have been,although I seen the ad online
  5. A few from this morning. Pup around 14 weeks
  6. Hi grompz. Dave platt didn't breed the pup but both the pups parents. I was told Saracen was the father to either sire or dam. Not much else. U don't have any pics of him do ya??
  7. She's a cracker Gibbo! Lovely type indeed. Fine stamp of hound Dan. Thanks
  8. Very nice indeed.Lot of beddywhippets around but guess the beddygrey would be more versatile
  9. Very nice type them. Do like the beddiegreys as well. Thanks for sharing
  10. To be honest rabbits would be more of a challenge I reckon than the bigger fellas anyway for this type
  11. Have you not got rabbits where you live Yes plenty rabbits. Pre ban also mountain hare would have been on the menu
  12. Cheers guys. Nothing to test such a dog where I live but have always fancied this cross
  13. Mines only a young pup. 9th gen platt lines. No decent pics yet. Will get the camera out on the weekend off and when I have some daylight.
  14. Was just interested in what's going about now as most of the other posted pics have been removed and were a few year ago. Have the cross here myself hence my interest. Get the impression there are fewer and fewer of these around nowadays due to folks using bull crosses.
  15. Hi folks. Would like to see some pics from those of you that own this cross be it first cross or a few gens bred. Have looked at some of the older threads about platt and doxhope/cooklands bred dogs but but most of the pics are not available now on the posts.
  16. The dominance/humping thing is what I hoped.Thats a relief. Not mites,checked. Sodocreme sounds like god advice stubby!
  17. Hi folks. Just would like to know if a scabby sore that has appeared behind the shoulderblades of one of my male kits is normal i.e playing/dominance? The two litter brothers are housed together and seem to get on well. The both have a sore in the same place but am guessing the less dominant one has the much bigger sore. He seems to be eating and acting fine,but sure he is a little more tetchy than usual if i pick him up and touch the area. Cause for concern or normal guys? Opinions please?
  18. Hi again. Had the two male kits for a few days now and am well up on how they should have as much space to run in as possible and plenty things to do. At the moment and certainly for the short term,they are in their 4ft double hutch(I know a court is ideal but not an option just now) the vast majority of the day and to allow them to let of steam I take them in the house and let them run around the wooden floors and just generally scramble about for about 45mins(not exstatic bout that but I feel I owe them that at least). The problem I have is when its time for me to put them back in their hut
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