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Everything posted by littletimmy

  1. Can't do that, its not politically correct. Hang them upside down and throw napalm at them
  2. How can you justify the murder of japanese civillians yet protest what the germans done was wrong. Hypocracy.
  3. Theres always someone bigger harder and nuttyier pal and if that dont work a brick usually does
  4. Bad dogs! is they coyt still alive in the bottom photo? If so your a brake man risking your fingers! Good photos mate
  5. flaww numbreo uno: Rid the country of lacs and rspca even get the ban over turned, you'd never be able to return to the greatest countryside in the world for a hunt ...
  6. Some good points raised by wilf and others. Blind people. Soldier follows orders, its what THEIR government brainwashes them to do. Do you think ww1 soldiers decided for themselves to get out of the trenches and advance forward only to be shot. No they are ordered to. Do you think todays soldiers decided to shoot dead suspected suicide bombers, risking civilian life in afganistan? No they are ordered to. People expect a disiplined army, yet blame the soldier when he does as hes told. Give it a rest.
  7. Thats exactly my thinking. God help when we loose a war ( and we will) Thats the joys of the army though, your as scape goat and used and abused by your own goverment. Its a shame, its the lads who are doing the hard graft getting the stick from both sides, while the real scum, the people in charge sit in comfort and escape it all. The pen is more powerful than the sword
  8. Just seen this and imo its pointless. He was following orders all them years ago. It will be put down to justice, nothing more than germany trying to blame forigon nationals. And for those " families of the Victims" its nothing more than spiteful revenge. What benifit will this serve? What a shite world we live in. Banging up an old man on his death bed. Whats your opinion does he deserve what hes got or should he be allowed to live his inal years as a free man. A German court has found John Demjanjuk guilty of helping to murder more than 28,000 Jews at a Nazi death camp in World War II
  9. I can time travel too, the exif data on all my photos say 2050
  10. I think we have enough shitty laws as there is. If you want to be overriden with control and bullshit laws/rules join the fkn army
  11. This is not just having a go at you mate, but this about sums up everything that is wrong with this country. If everyone just told them to f**k off, there going to have fun rounding up the millions of dogs this country keeps. This is why unions where crushed. This is why hunting was banned. This is why the country is f****d, people sell their souls and jump through hoops. I won't pay for one, same as i've never paid a rod licence. Never have never will.
  12. The rebel leader has also admitted some of his forces have links to al-queda and fought in iraq against the west. Were not there to protect, we are there for a change of power to a western thinking governement, who will be a lot more compliant with oil and anything else we wish to rape them of.
  13. Serve your country and this is the service your rewarded with. cheers britain
  14. So your slating people for filming but openly admitted to planning some summer fishing in the near future? Well done you, another asset to the sport.
  15. Good for you, couldn't of done to well for yourself if you spent yearrssss as a sapper could you? And i can't tell the ones who have given their lives, becuase their dead, the ones who have died in afgan and other recent conflicts have died for no reason apart from to make the rich richer. Might sound harsh but thats the reality. And dare you can see the mentality of a solider as above, readie feels someone of the same rank as himself (a sapper) is fit for no other job except mcdonalds. Typical of a brainwashed sapper. I can honestly say %+ of my collegues don't want to be here, but are now tr
  16. Army sparkys are not as well trained as civi ones and nowhere near as experience. Things in the army are done to pass the test, if you fail you get the answers and re take the test until you pass. Not exaclty best practice at actually learning something. Courses are compact and rushed in order to get you out into the field army and on tour ASAP, your no use in training. You are there for the armys disposal, once your no use its see you later. Look at all the WO's and Staff Sergants recently f****d off, do you really think they care about a poxy Sapper? One thing the army will show you is how m
  17. You might get the qualifications in the RE but you wont have the experinece. You'll spend your career concreating or labouring and on tour sand bagging. Also you'll have a long wait to get in, in which you could of been to college, gained the qualifications, you'll still have you legs and wont have had to put up with the army bullshit. As already said though, alot of civi companys look at ex mil as the dogs bollocks for disipline etc, but thats what happened when your bullshitted about day in day out, I don't think they realise how little actually gets done on camp, small things are just blown
  18. The old guy is correct. Look into "Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers" if your interested. You never see a boxer running a marathon before a fight. Short, intense training is the best type of training for running dogs.
  19. The ones i work with are all very quite and submissive. Nice lads, not what you'd expect
  20. If it was a 16 year old lad walking the dog, nearly getting dragged into the entry, it would be a dangerous dog and pts.
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