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Everything posted by lancer

  1. it would be pointles putting a bayer in a crack in a cragg knowing theres no chance of a bolt,some people would call the terrier a jacker for comeing out when really the owners at fault for using the wrong dog,moo would you not enter a terrier into a plce undiggable but known as a safe place to use a terrier.
  2. seems like a lot of people have lakelands that couldent work in lakeland,something wrong there with the standard of lakeland terrier,good job terrier owners dont breed race horses.
  3. thats fell terriers f****d for working in the fells then,mcalpines couldnt dig places terriers get put in every season,years of knolage of whats safe for terriers off generations of terriermen and locals ,all thats needed is a terrier suited for whatever your doing,same with quarrys and mines some you can some you cant.
  4. in undiggable places you need a terrier that will kill the fox, and get itself back out, no point in terrier baying away when your not going to get to it,it would be the owner that failed not the dog when the dog walked out,no dog can be expected to stay forever if you cant get to it,i would say a hard terrier for fox is easier dog to get than a good digging dog that needs to stay till you can get to it,it takes a lot of work to build a dogs confidence and turn it into a good dog and knolage of using the right dog in the right place helps the dog,anybody could make a dog from any line jack ,i
  5. some of you obviousley dont put your terriers in places its imposible to dig them out of then.
  6. you cant class all dogs as quitters if they dont stay till you dig to them,and stupid to think like that,
  7. i was just wondering if its cathing decent bags of rabbits,or running out of steam when lamping,i had a lurcher v minshaws blue was the father of a very good lamping bitch on hares and rabbits, i lined it with a grey hound whippet when it was nine and kept a dog pup, he was a good dog on rabbits but whould always turn off a hare unless it was caught right away,
  8. have you had good bags of rabbits with the dog thats not sticking with the big rabbits as long as you want tommo.
  9. tomo is your dog out of wind when it pulls up after a minute,or is it just thinking f**k this im getting nowere here,as some collies do
  10. havnt been on here for ages,nowts changed,did whispa not work out for you markbrick.
  11. any one have a contact number for him
  12. is the fox allways dead when you dig down or is the dog sitting back abit and then latching on when you break in,or is it just sitting there with a dead fox waiting to be rescued.
  13. the places you work your dogs in must all be digable to suit your terriers then,these type are of no use for crags and ouarries you would be leaving terriers in every hole,just out of interest how long would your terrier stay to ground with a dead fox.
  14. you cant have much faith in your terrier if you have to dig down to check its done its job every time you use it,and as for staying till you dig to it or stay till it dies that just makes it sound like your terriers good at getting stuck or taking to long to kill a fox,and as for a terrier needing to stay with a dead fox for a few hours while you dig down is ridiculess,and i doubt any dog would stay till it died if it wasnt trapped.
  15. mike how long would your dog stay with a dead fox in an undigable place.i just dont understand the need for all this digging for a dead fox or why .a dog would want to stay underground with a dead fox,either a bolt or a kill makes life a lot easier ..
  16. you talk like a c**t it the name of the game to dig for the dog whot if it trap and plus you want to see what going on when you brack in call your shen a terrier man no one mentioned a trapped terrier,you cant be confident in your dogs ability if you have to dig down to find the fox everytime you use it, and it dosnt do the setts much good either.
  17. why dig to a dead fox,and why would you expect a lakeland terrier to sit beside a dead fox till you dig down to it,if they kill the fox and wait for you to rescue them then they are not much use,and how long would you expect them to stay in an undigable place with a dead fox,judgeing by some of you on here it would have to stay with a dead fox till it starved to death,or if it came out you would call it a jacker and kill the dog anyway,
  18. just go to show that you wouldnt no what the f**k is in your terriers if you had to buy one
  19. lancer

    tonight bbc

    thats right a big differance between the two, and they never use the word fieldsports its allways bloodsports.
  20. n beck terriers and tysons would have a lot of johnsons orgill pedigree lakeland terrier in them,it improved there ability in the show ring.
  21. somebody has been telling you lies,they had plenty of pedigree lakeland in them,and plenty of tysons blood in there to,and any dogs of his i seen work were poor.
  22. well you have only your selves to blame,if you didnt buy anything of them they wouldnt be here,they will sit back and laugh while taking your money and your country,and they hate you more than you hate them,but you still pay them for shite food which means they can prosper out of your stupidity,you see you provide them with a reason to be here and then complain about it.
  23. terriers that are to short coupled dont bend in the middle,which is no good in tight places or rocks
  24. is it right that they get 4200 pound a month or will that be exagerating a bit.
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