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Everything posted by lancer

  1. get it right hedz, or did you start after 05,no need for the tool bit big man.
  2. the pictures put up were roe deer ,if you need a stick for them you need to call it a day,but pre ban i seen red deer you needed bigger than a stick.
  3. coney cocky if your bothering pens and poults you deserve a kicking thats just theft and vandalism,if your caught poaching its your fault not the keepers,your just trouble.
  4. i do a lot of hunting and yes some times its poaching and i know the risks if caught im not complaining at all keepers have a job to do and its their livelihood but still what gives them the right to assault people and take lamping equipment and block roads faced with this type of aggro its often no the wonder we take revenge and hit them were it hurts the pens and their poults what do you think there going to do wave,your not suposed to let them catch you,if they are not capable of standing up for them self they woudnt be in a job long.
  5. hello sam im selling a scania lorry cheap just wondered if it would be of any use to you for getting your deer home. be no good to me i am to young to drive and dont have a lisence. knock the li of your last word, and you hit the nail on the head
  6. If you had taken a few and actually knew what you where talking about you would retract that post..a well trained and seasoned dog will know exactly what to do with minimum damage to the meat...and in dong so the dog does not need to be removed forcefully it will leave go when the job has been done...so really it makes no difference if you are weak or strong all that matter's is that you have the mineral's to train a dog correctly . i was gonna ask hedz if its a dog or a lion he is using to catch deer i use fell terriers i can see what you mean then ,if you got two with you,time y
  7. hello sam im selling a scania lorry cheap just wondered if it would be of any use to you for getting your deer home.
  8. If you had taken a few and actually knew what you where talking about you would retract that post..a well trained and seasoned dog will know exactly what to do with minimum damage to the meat...and in dong so the dog does not need to be removed forcefully it will leave go when the job has been done...so really it makes no difference if you are weak or strong all that matter's is that you have the mineral's to train a dog correctly . i was gonna ask hedz if its a dog or a lion he is using to catch deer
  9. its simple really,if you poach gamekeepers wont like you,poachers and gamekeepers dont mix,and people who have permission on estates or farms cant complain when other people poach there land if they poach aswell.
  10. dont understand are you catching the sheep
  11. i like a field thats been reseeded,usually a dead cert in my area.
  12. poachers couldent give two fucks about a wrens nest or how a squirrels dray looks,cant think of any one i know giveing a squirrel or a wren much thought when your knocking pheasants out of trees in the middle of the night,probably piss me sell laughing if dragging a net through a pool and the person on the other end mentioned a wren or a squirrel,poaching is done for proffit and food,what you describe is a pleasant walk .
  13. couldent agree more,it works both ways,not many farmers round me with either,
  14. i love the way some of you look at country life through rose tinted glas,s so idylic and romantic for some of you.
  15. there will be plenty of women worked and working dogs ,or are you under the impresion they cant,
  16. would you class your sef as a man when you lick peoples arses to get what you want
  17. were i come from most of them are that inbred i wouldnt be seen with them let alone wanting my kids to mix with the strange b*****ds,odd ones are ok, most have it bred into them to hate lurchers even though they no f**k all about them,all tax payers should all be able to walk on the land now that they just sit back getting paid a fortune for letting there land go to waste,just wait till there in bed with the wife or sister and poach.
  18. best weapon ever for poaching pheasants has got to be hushpower 410,hard work with an air rifle.
  19. wouldent be much of a run in the long grass was it,not really worth talking about at this time of year,let alone putting on the internet,did you need the hare for for food or you just picking easy runs .
  20. in theory busterdog your probably right for the benifit of the terrier ,good luck at finding like minded people there few and far between as can be seen on the ns thread.
  21. so if you gift a dog to someone busterdog you still have a certain amount of control over the dog,and how far would you go to nip it in the bud as you say to prevent them making there own choice as to what to breed from it,and your wrong to say a good terrier makes a good terrierman,plenty of good terriers ruined by poor terriermen.when you give someone a pup its theres,in my eyes they can do as they wish, if they get it wrong its there own fault,
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