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Everything posted by lancer

  1. put a 100 ml of two stroke oil to 5 litres of petrol.
  2. which part of the country are you.
  3. roe for me but wouldnt say there easy in the daytime ,.they dont need much of a headstart to give a good course.
  4. grip training a terrier,thats a new one on me.
  5. two problems with that bright idea,he might be bigger than you and give you a good kicking,secondly,its f**k all to do with anyone what other people do with there dog,but well done for stringing a sentence together and the spellings good because lets face it to come up with a comment like that you must have the mental age of a ten year old.
  6. if its his terrier he can do what he likes with it,its your choice what stud you use over your own bitchs.no need to be childish and slag people off if you dont agree with things people do, people who call others either have to little to do or are just jelous.
  7. have you a better picture of the white terrier at the back.cheers
  8. his mates on the other side of the fence holding it up,through the glory hole.
  9. any of you gypsys on here heard of the book,the gypsy, poems and ballads by lavrengo, its agood read.
  10. dog hasent stuck till its job on this occasion which ever way you look at it.
  11. golden virginia and coffee
  12. if your dogs caught up on wire it will bight when you try to release it let it bite on your cap or a stick and then free it
  13. sad but thats what happens if your dogs are not stock broke
  14. vantage point or not your terrier should lock on and dislodge it from iys vantage point.
  15. which minshaw dogs did you see run bosun, how good were the ones you seen.
  16. if it takes a terrier six hours to sort a fox out its not worth breeding from.
  17. my mate had a bedlington whipprt xgreyhound it done exactly the same it just wouldent pick things up,and he tried everything nothing worked.
  18. i usually take the locator of the collar and put it in a small ball of minced beef the dog swallows it and works perfectly no chance of looseing transmiter and dog shits it out in a few days?
  19. what price you paying for transits.
  20. which hunt was using them recently or do you know of any working.
  21. it must be along time since tyson worked terriers,did he breed any good workers or mainly show dogs,shame he past away he must of been a good age.
  22. so after all this childish banter is chaz a good terrier or not.
  23. my bull cross will beat any type of lurcher at getting the bigest vet bills you can get.
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