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Everything posted by Cajunrules

  1. SAYS IT ALL, ITS A SHAME YOUR SHIT AT EVERYTHING... SO IT ALWAYS HAS TO BE ENGLAND ON THE TELE...OH SORRY, YOUR NOT BAD AT REARING FUNNY LANGUAGES That 'funny language' was spoken all over the country until you lot nicked words from French & Latin! Your flag you nicked from Aquitane (Modern France) & your patron St. from Anatolia. Your monarchy is German, your next king will be half Greek! Hell, I'm struggling to find anything quintessentially English with your whole culture, apart from Morris dancing... On the contrary Malt, Latin had almost no influence on the la
  2. Don't see as many arseholes in Razzle
  3. That killed me, funny as fook
  4. Very nice, are they English mate?
  5. Only read "Working Terriers: The Practical Methods", and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. Are you thinking along the lines of Jose Luis Castillo style? Not fighting Castillo obviously, but his style? Seeing as the first Castillo fight was by far Mayweather's hardest fight (some folk say the De La Hoya fight too)??
  7. There's no such thing as being too careful, as FTB says its no gaurantee to block your face off. Cheers
  8. Tremendous performance from Mayweather, most entertaining I've seen of him, worth getting up for anyway
  9. Yes, and if you believe what you read on the c*nting life you also need to have the worst terriers going and "know f*ck all about digging" etc. Atb
  10. Cajunrules


    I remember reading some statements made by their leader or president, to the effect that blind people keeping guide dogs is cruel, and that a healthy animal has more right to life than a disabled child. Half these celebs who "support" peta are too thick to even understand what they're about they just think it looks good for them to be "on the side" of animals. Bunch of utter bagheads.
  11. I went to Sai Varley's gym in Derby for about a year, he did some training with Sken, don't know how much. I swapped from boxing to Muay Thai, and then went back to boxing; I could never really get the hang of owt besides punching, lol.
  12. There's not many fights I've turned off that I can remember, but I had enough after round 8. Absolute f*cking muck
  13. I want his hair mounted as a hunting trophy
  14. Cajunrules


    Exactly. One rule for them, another for everyone else. Have the politicians of this country got the backbone to ban it? Not on your nelly.
  15. PRISON: You get regular sex
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