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Everything posted by Cajunrules

  1. You mean you do other stuff with this dog besides a bit of lamping, agility bouncing around, and husky dog sled racing? Because you can't call that graft and keep a straight face.
  2. no that is ''deadgame'' I see, so in the title of the book it's like saying "very game"?
  3. I thought a "dead game" died in the box???
  4. What do you count as hunting then? Genuine question. That's the thing, i'm not 100% sure! I've seen folk living what i would count as a true 'hunting life', overseas, folk who live a complete nomadic existence, getting EVERYTHING they need from the land. But back to your question, i've never felt that things like driven shooting are really hunting, i do it and love it, but it doesnt really require any field craft, or anything really, as long as you can handle a gun well you can fill the bag. Kinda similar with lamping - it IS hunting of course, but the dog doesn't 'hunt', it 'catches
  5. hunt (hnt) v. hunt·ed, hunt·ing, hunts v.tr. 1. To pursue (game) for food or sport. 2. To search through (an area) for prey: hunted the ridges. 3. To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game. 4. To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill: hunted down the escaped convict. 5. To seek out; search for. 6. To drive out forcibly, especially by harassing; chase away: hunted the newcomers out of town. v.intr. 1. To pursue game. 2. To make a search; seek. 3. Aerospace a. To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Us
  6. What do you count as hunting then? Genuine question.
  7. Have a permission almost on my doorstep which I have a mooch around with my terriers and gun (and recently acquired running dog) everyday. Shoot driven every weekend from start of Oct to end of season. And terrierwork on three shoots, but only on request by keeper/shoot captain through season. Don't know if that means I live the "hunting life", but hunting (in one form or another) is my main pastime and interest. Cheers
  8. This is reminding me of Little Red Riding Hood You blew it man!!!! LOL I'll start again!
  9. This is reminding me of Little Red Riding Hood
  10. Cajunrules


    You tried this one mate? http://www.siliconguide.com/drivers/device/472/
  11. I took it that he was talking about the hunting lifestyle, as he said how many actually live it??
  12. F*ckin hell Poacher your camera lens must have come out of that lads specs in your avatar
  13. Highland Park and Jura
  14. Muslim man and woman coming out of a divorce court, man says: "Don't cry love at least we're still cousins".
  15. wtf is that. looks like a sad pussy cat thats just been hit with a spade, brave man. Was wondering that myself! God knows why this hasn't been on LA ink
  16. Same here, only get 26mpg taking it steady in Mazda B Series, 2.5 diesel; get it up to 65 on the motorway and its like theres a hole in the fuel tank
  17. All the best with that mate, even the best tattoo artists have to start somewhere, and who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to do em like this
  18. I only have three permissions for earthwork and they all came from chatting to the keeper/shoot captain on game shooting days.
  19. What do you call a survivor of the pakistani flood? Mustafa Dinghee
  20. Anyone remember this lad off traffic cops:
  21. Lol Pakistani flood appeal, I was thinking of giving them the steam off my piss, but changed my mind.
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