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Everything posted by sowel

  1. thanks maybe now i can find out who owns the local fields. there is a nice piece of wast land neer me thats overflowing with rats and judging by the condition of the land i dont think the owner minds what happens with it.
  2. but thats the problum i dont know any local farmers and i dont know any way of finding out who owns the land i want to shoot on. is it infomation that a local council could give me? or are there other ways of finding out?
  3. i have no problum finding places that are packed full or rabbits but i dont know how to find out who owns the land or the best way to get permission to shoot on it. the only land i have ever found any information on was owned by the kent wildlife trust so i just left it at that.
  4. hi my name is james and im very new to hunting. i live in the south east and im hoping to find some where to start shooting and ferreting soon. i would also like to get into coursing but i cant just yet as i have no way of getting a dog. and just so you know im only 18 years old
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